(Berlin) German Newspaper ‘Bild’ reports of the growing epidemic of religious bullying
taking place inside schools. It lists a number of cases that are cause for
concern, a concern the liberal world covers up by playing the ‘Isamophobia’
At the Wassermaus" Primary School in Ennepetal the headmistress
Isabelle Steinkühler sent a letter to all the parents of students that they had
talked to the children about "religious freedom due to recent
occurrences". So what where these religious freedomns, apprantly the more
pious of the Islamic faith had taken to attacking Islamic children who weren’t
as pious for eating gummy bears.
Another case they list is regards the parents of a blond
haired girl in Frankfurt am main who was getting bullied something rotten by
her classmates for not being a Muslim.
When the parents brought this up with the school, they were told that if
their daughter took to wearing the hijab the bullying would stop. Rather than
surrender to religious intolerance and political apathy they moved their
daughter to another school.
In Baveria, the father of 2 fourth graders became concerned
when his children came home crying, apparently they had been told by another
student that he was going to chop their heads off because they were Christian. When he complained to the school, he was told
that the children from Syria have problems settling in.
A mother from North Rhine-Westphalia, whose son is a
practising Catholic, who attends a
secondary school which is mainly visited by children and adolescents of Muslim
faith. Is often the victim of verbal attacks by classmates and discrimination
by his Islamic class mates .
Isn't ironic how the left who champion the merits of equality for all, are more than happy to surrender the freedoms of us all to a barbaric intolerant faith simply because they don't wish to be seen as..racist.