(Bejing) The US has been making a huge song and dance of late about how well its electromagnetic rail gun is coming along.
Despite all the praise the above system has still to be fitted onto a ship, however on the otherside of the world, it appears the Chinese have done just that, and fitted a electromagnetic rail-gun onto a Type 072III-class vessel which has been spotted with a huge turret which has led many to speculate that the structure in question is an electromagnetic railgun. If true, it would mean that China has become the first country in the world to develop and install the system on a ship.
まだ戦車揚陸艦だった時の「海洋山」、レールガン試験艦に改修した時に艦首の扉を溶接された。 pic.twitter.com/GTVtleuK8w— OedoSoldier (@OedoSoldier) 1 February 2018
このレールガンに対する元PLA海軍装備開発関係者の見解— OedoSoldier (@OedoSoldier) 1 February 2018
2.909型試験艦を使ってない理由は恐らく電力供給の問題、909型の発電量が不足で、試験の為に改修する工事量が多い pic.twitter.com/9DACPAux7q
— OedoSoldier (@OedoSoldier) 31 January 2018
PLA海軍の072型揚陸艦が試験艦に改修され、新型艦砲(レールガン)を搭載した pic.twitter.com/ZcVVD4FqiD— OedoSoldier (@OedoSoldier) 31 January 2018
Close-up of the gun. @OedoSoldier pic.twitter.com/dkB8PDrHnP— @Rupprecht_A (@RupprechtDeino) 1 February 2018