Thursday, October 19, 2017

Islamic hate group banned in Germany is now getting banned in Switzerland

(Bern) The True Religion group is an Islamic outfit run by Palestinian Salafist Ibrahim Abou-Nagie whose sole aim is to convert the West to Islam, and how they intend to do that is by handing out Korans to everybody. However, after its founder was nicked for benefit fraud, the authorities kept an eye on his dealings and soon realised that actually rather than subscribing to a religion of peace, this wanker was the polar opposite and he not only was recruiting idiots for jihad, he was also actively intimidating anybody who stood in his path. Which is why last November the Germans proscribed his NGO.

As a Gazan freeloader, Abou-Nagie wasn’t put off by being classed as persona non grata and he simply moved next door to Switzerland to continue in his Allah given task of turning everybody to the gay death cult.

Well, it appears that the Swiss soon picked up on this hate monger, which is why the cantons of Zurich and Basel decided to ban him from their doors. Today, the capital Bern followed suit. No doubt with the Swiss closing their welcome to Abou-Nagie, he’ll be looking for somewhere else to set up shop and claim benefits.