Thursday, October 19, 2017

Canada: Saudi Student tells court, "he received a message from the Qur’an to kill "

(Vancouver) Last October  19 year old Thamer Hameed Almestadi an International student at  the University of British Columbia became upset after attending a math class and believed that his math professor had singled him out by making comments about him. 

Thamer Hameed Almestadi
So he returned to his room and listened to an audio-recording of a passage of the Qur’an several times in an attempt to calm himself. The story he listened to involved a person having been killed and Allah telling Moses to tell people to sacrifice a cow, He listened to the story several times because he was “confused” about the message but eventually concluded he was being told to go and kill someone. In court today he told the judge:
“I was supposed to go and kill Mary,”
Picking up a steak knife , he went to look for Mary Hare, whom he had met the once. He knocked on her dorm door,  and when she opened it, he smiled, said ‘Hi’ and proceeded to attack her cutting her throat in the process. Thankfully other students heard the commotion and stopped  Almestadi from succeeding.
Mary Hare
After he’d been arrested and was being interviewed by police, he told police he wanted to see Mary.
As he wanted to make sure she was still alive. When asked how he felt about the attack, he replied bad.

The case continues.


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