Wednesday, September 20, 2017

UK: Muslims buy former theatre in the middle of Jewish Golders Green

(London)  The biggest collection of Jews in London can be found in Golders Green and until recently Jews knew they had somewhere safe to go to in the city away from the increasing hoards of Muslims who have made the capital into Londonistan. But Muslims are not known for living in peace with their neighbours and they have just purchased a theatre in the centre of Golders Green (next door to the Bus station) in which to make into a community centre for (so they say) all to share. You know this isn't going to happen and pretty soon Muslims will cause trouble (As they always do) and push out the locals in which to make GG into a Muslim ghetto.

I used to live in MIll Hill and know GG and the area really well, never had any problem with the Jews, or even the Hindus from Edgeware (just around the corner) But you can guess with whom I never got on with. (And I'm an ex Muslim saying that) . Yes its a free country and all that, but I couldn't see the Muslims in their ghettos accepting any Non-Islamic place of worship moving in, never mind a Jewish one. Yet when its Muslims doing the moving in, we keep on getting told they will open it up to everybody. Really???