Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Drug dealing and criminal Palestinian failed asylum seeker finally deported from England

(Manchester) 31-year-old Palestinian Mahmoud Jaber, arrived in Britain in 1988 for a six-month stay, only to come back permanently in February 1992, to join his illegal immigrant of a father and move to Accrington, Lancashire. His father, who had arrived earlier in the UK in 1987, had already lost a battle to claim asylum in 1990 but was granted leave to remain due to "exceptional circumstances". Jaber was allowed indefinite leave himself in 1998 in line with his father and attempted to get British citizenship. (The reason why so many people were granted leave to remain due to exceptional circumstances during the late 90s is simply due to the open door policy Labour instigated and which saw the border agency unable to deal with the onrush of Mohammeds who saw life under British benefits preferable to a life under Islamic law.)

Well, free in the knowledge that his human rights supersede anybody else, good old Mahmoud embarked on a life of crime as dictated to by the holy Koran. Every time he was caught, he played the human rights card and so got to stay in an infidel country rather than return to a pure Islamic country:
February 5, 2003: Convicted at Hyndburn Magistrates' Court of resisting police and using a vehicle with no test certificate. Fined £100 with £55 costs.
May 1, 2003: Convicted at Hyndburn Magistrates' Court of possessing Class A controlled drugs. Fined £100 with costs of £100.
March 24, 2004: Convicted at Hyndburn Magistrates' Court of possession of Class B controlled drugs. Fined £100 and costs of £65.
September 16, 2004: Convicted at Burnley Crown Court of possessing crack and heroin. Jailed for four years.
April 26, 2006: Jaber notified of his liability to deportation. Notice served May 11, 2007.
May 17, 2007: Jaber lodges appeal against deportation and wins on September 5 that year.
December 17, 2008: Convicted at Blackburn Magistrates' Court of possessing cannabis. Conditionally discharged for twelve months and pay costs of £360.
December 19, 2008: Convicted at Blackburn Magistrates' Court of possessing cocaine and breach of conditional discharge. Given a community order with a curfew requirement and four weeks electronic tagging and costs of £60.
November 19, 2010: Convicted at Burnley Crown Court of three counts of possession heroin and crack cocaine with intent to supply and being concerned in producing crack. Jailed for six years.
January 17, 2011: Jaber warned he would be deported but appeals under Human Rights Act.
January 14, 2013: Convicted at Preston Crown Court of money laundering and jailed for 21 months' imprisonment consecutive to six years.
Well, after his last run in with the law, somebody decided that enough was enough and set about getting this criminal Palestinian out of the country. Well, criminal features appealed twice, and twice he lost, and finally, after 8 bloody long years, he is going to get sent home to the land of Allah and burkas.  But even to the last minute his lawyer tried to play the bloody victim card for this prick:
His lawyer Carla Rawlinson claimed Jaber’s safety could be in jeopardy because his uncle had been killed by Israeli forces during an insurgency in 1989. Her client would have to travel through an Israeli checkpoint and explain why he had been absent for more than 20 years, she told the court.
Oh please, he's had more than enough warnings about keeping his nose clean. He didn't and the stupid human rights industry in the UK has ensured that hoards of benefit tourists continue heading for the UK. Think I'm kidding? Here is a picture in today's papers about an asylum seeker trying to get into the UK.