Monday, May 5, 2014

Idiots run the British Prison Service

(England) Between 2001 and 2002, Michael Wheatley went on the rampage, hitting banks as a violent armed robber. The thing is, at the time he was on parole while serving a 27-year sentence for... armed robbery. For being a very very naughty boy, he was given 13 life sentences in 2002 and we all thought that was the end of him... WRONG.

It seems that somebody in a position of authority at the Prison Service not only felt it would be a good idea to send this nasty piece of work to an open prison, but they even agreed to allow him out on a temporary licence. And guess what, he's only gone and done a runner.

Time and time again, the powers that be let out of prison people who simply should not have been, and when they murder somebody, they (the Prison Service) keep on telling us that lessons will be learnt, but you know what, I don't think so. Maybe if they started holding these so called people who make these decisions to account, then maybe the British public will start getting the justice they deserve.