Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Cambridge graduate wife of rapist stands by her man

(Teesside) Mark Thompson, the husband of Adriana Ford-Thompson, a York University research and teaching fellow, had a strange hobby. He would go out at night and rape women. He would inform his terrified victims:
'You have two options - you can give me what I want and you tell nobody what has happened, or tonight is the night you die.'
And the reason he gave for doing so was:
‘I don't get sex from my wife, so I go to get it elsewhere.’
Well, rapist Mark got caught, and on looking into his history, it transpired that Mark had a habit of raping girls, it's just that he got away with it every time. Well, even the Police can put 2 and 2 together, and armed with his most recent night-time endeavour, they managed to secure a conviction, and the other-day he received an 11-year prison sentence (which in the UK means 5 years). The judge closed the hearing with this little statement:
'You are one of the most dangerous offenders I have ever had to deal with in my entire judicial career. You will not take no for an answer.' Judge Michael Taylor.
You'd think a Cambridge University graduate who was married to this beast would have seen the light of day, but oh no, to her, he is nothing more than a victim. After the jury convicted him of nine sex offences, including kidnap, rape and attempted rape, she said:
‘He is a sensitive, kind, soft, gentle man.‘I have known him for ten years, he is my best friend. I will stand by him through all of this. They have taken my husband away from me. He is not the man they are making him out to be.’
Well, hopefully he won't be much of a man for much longer after he finds out the hard way when some 300 pound gorilla whispers in his ear in the prison showers:
'You have two options - you can give me what I want and you tell nobody what has happened, or tonight is the night you die.'
Here's hoping he doesn't walk straight for the next 11 years.