(Clarion Project) The Pakistan-based, anti-Semitic leader of the Muslims of the Americas organization has published a shocking new statement downplaying the evil of Hitler and accusing the British government of using the Islamic State terrorist group (ISIS) as a front.
Muslims of the Americas (MOA) is led by Sheikh Mubarak Ali Gilani and says it has 22 “Islamic villages” around the U.S., including its 70-acre "Islamberg" headquarters in New York. MOA is a splinter group of Gilani’s militant Jamaat ul-Fuqra group in Pakistan.
A 2007 FBI file obtained by the Clarion Project this year and a wealth of documentation shows that Jamaat ul-Fuqra/MOA qualifies as a Foreign Terrorist Organization.
The Clarion Project identified one of its enclaves in Texas earlier this year, prompting a dozen North American Muslim groups to call on the U.S. government to label it as a Foreign Terrorist Organization.
The November 8 article by Sheikh Gilani repeats his normal anti-Semitic conspiracy theories about the 9/11 attacks and Pearl Harbor, but this time he goes so far as to imply moral equivalence between Hitler and Holocaust victims.
“There was no need for America to go to war against Hitler. Hitler was not the enemy of America or the American people. There was a mutual animosity between Hitler and the Jews. So, the American people paid a very heavy price for fighting someone else’s war,” Gilani writes.
He then states that Pearl Harbor and the 9/11 attacks were orchestrated as pretexts for the U.S. to attack other countries.
MOA has previously stated that the atrocities were setups by the Jews seeking a war on Islam.
In one MOA video, it is taught that Allah punishes the Jews for being “stubborn and arrogant,” that a Zionist “hidden hand” had “manufactured the crisis at Pearl Harbor in order to get America to go to war” and Israel was “directly involved” in the 9/11 attacks so it could hijack the U.S. government.
In his latest column, Gilani hits the same theme, claiming that “Many government agencies want the world to believe that Osama Bin Laden destroyed the World Trade Center” but “it was the job of insiders.”
MOA’s detachment from reality is exemplified in Gilani’s ridiculous statement that “Muslims have never committed genocide, or killed innocent, unarmed people in the world anywhere in their entire history.”
Gilani claims that ISIS and Wahhabism, the Saudi brand of Islam, are the “brainchild of British intelligence.”
“On behalf of Qadri Sufis and other Muslims, I demand from the British government to withdraw their support of their agents who are causing death, destruction and genocide following their agenda in Pakistan and elsewhere in many Islamic countries,” he writes.
Gilani then states his willingness to help draft a strategy against ISIS, positioning himself as the “moderate” solution.
In addition to MOA, Gilani identifies himself in the article as the leader of the United Muslim Christian Forum, the Vice Chancellor of the International Quranic Open University, Chairman of the AQG Sufi Research Institute at Islamville and President of Ahle Bayt Foundation International.
Gilani says Muslims and Christians must unite. This is just a deceitful way of proselytizing, as events held by his United Muslim Christian Forum try to discredit Christianity.
The disdain for Christianity is apparent when Gilani condescendingly writes, “Muslims and others with common sense don’t believe in the hocus pocus churned out by Pauline Christianity.”
A MOA Tumblr page quotes Gilani as saying, “Allah…instructed [Muslims] to use kind words when giving Da’wah to His…enemy Pharoah.” This posting immediately preceded coverage of Gilani’s interfaith event, exposing the deceitful mindset behind the outreach.
His article ends with a repetition of MOA’s previous call for blasphemy laws in America:
“The Islamophobic propaganda should come to an end ... Burning Holy Qurans and making objectionable videos and books on the Holy Last Messenger, peace be upon him, should be stopped! Give a new interpretation to the right of freedom of speech that does not allow other parties to hurl insults and abuses to anyone’s creed, religion or religious beliefs.”
Such radical ideas are deadly when mixed with weapons and combat tactics, such as those seen in our footage of guerilla warfare training at its “Islamberg” headquarters.
Islamic extremism, violent tendencies and combat training are a highly-flammable combination. The MOA must be stopped before the inevitable ignition happens.
Thursday, November 13, 2014
'Muslims of the Americas' Says Hitler Was Not Enemy of U.S.
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11/13/2014 04:42:00 PM
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Labels: Islam, Islamic Jihad, US
'Muslims of the Americas' Says Hitler Was Not Enemy of U.S.
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