Monday, May 15, 2017

UK: Kids Rights 2017 has the UK at 156th place in global children’s rights rankings

(London) The Kid Rights Index 2017, an annual global ranking that charts the performance records of 165 countries concerning children’s rights – looking at life, health, education and the child right’s environment - ranks the UK among the worst performing countries at 156th place, not only that but it has New Zealand in at 158 and Poland as the worst place in the world for a child.

It seems that while the UK, NZ and Poland did extremely well in the first four categories:
They all fell at the hurdle when it comes to Child Rights environment:
• Non-discrimination
• Best interests of the child
• Enabling legislation
• Best available budget
• Respect for the views of the child/child participation
• Collection and analysis of disaggregate data
• State-civil society cooperation for child rights.
Here is what they had to say about the child rights environment in the UK:
(c) Youth parliaments have not been established or operationalized in Northern Ireland, Wales, Montserrat,Turks and Caicos or Jersey;
(d)Many children feel that they are not listened to by their social workers, reviewing officer paid carers, judges, personnel working with children in conflict with the law or other professionals.
Wow, The UK must be a really nasty place then,seeing as the UK comes really down the list when it comes to child welfare, (Iraq, Eritrea, Libya, Niger, Nigeria, Mali, Pakistan, Yemen and even Syria all score higher than the UK and New Zealand.) I suppose that all those child migrants demanding to be let into the UK will seek a better future in the countries they left behind. Right, something tells me they won't