London) In the UK, political correctness has seen the growth of anti-Semitism by Islamic immigrants who are allowed to get away with their bigotry and racism by playing the 'Israel' card.
Throughout the country we see many examples of anti-Semitism by left-wing idiots, councils and even governmental bodies simply because they don't wish to offend... Muslims. That is why many councils have voted for the cutting of any links with Israel, the so called banning by councils of anything Israeli, the acute rise on physical attacks on Jews.
So, after the recent rise on attacks on Jews across Europe, the British Government asked for a report to be carried out on the rise of anti-Semitism in the UK.

Well, the report has been published and they found that the so called renowned BBC has been behind the manipulation of the masses by promoting anti-Semitic news reports as the news. Yes, it appears that the left-wing ideology of the BBC, which goes well out of its way in which to defend intolerant Islam every chance it gets:
- replacing terrorist for militant
- referring to Muslims as Asians
- calling Islamic terrorists as misguided criminals
- referring to any incident against a Muslim as a hate crime
- downplaying every Islamic hate crime
- and continuing to state that not all Muslims are terrorists
has no problem referring to each and every Jew as complicit in hatred towards non-Jews. Oh, for years the BBC has denied any allegation they promoted anti-Semitism, yet the British Parliamentary report states otherwise. I quote:
An antisemitic trope about Jewish control of politicians referenced by a BBC journalist.
In particular, the BBC, had a role to play in whipping up anger through emotive content in the news and analysis that was broadcast. There was certainly a significant focus on the conflict. Using various analytical tools, Dr Ben Gidley found that there had been particularly intense coverage of protests and demonstrations against Israel and the conflict in general when compared to other countries and conflicts.
“References to and interest in the ‘Jewish lobby’ was not only a feature of political debate.[…] We were warned however of “the capacity of this sort of article to generate troubling stereotypes” given a reference to ‘the Jewish lobby’ was made when the article was discussed on the BBC News Channel. We note that the language used to collectively describe Jews was raised again in this regard in early 2015.”
The link above will take you to the actual report.