(Dublin) The other day I wrote about how Irish terrorist outfit, the IRA, openly supports Hamas. The Irish continually fed a diet that America and Israel can only be evil when it comes to Islam. Kind of explains why anti-Semitism and anti-Americanism is something of a growth industry in Ireland. It also explains why Muslims in Ireland feel empowered to demand preferential treatment because they are... Muslims.
Anyway, it transpires that Irish soldiers serving with the UN in the Golan heights were rescued from hoards of Islamic terrorists by... the Israelis. Yup, an article in the Irish Sunday Independent reports that Ireland's finest were saved from capture (and possibly death) by those whom the Irish political chattering classes deem as an affront to human decency. I quote:
Anyway, it transpires that Irish soldiers serving with the UN in the Golan heights were rescued from hoards of Islamic terrorists by... the Israelis. Yup, an article in the Irish Sunday Independent reports that Ireland's finest were saved from capture (and possibly death) by those whom the Irish political chattering classes deem as an affront to human decency. I quote:
The Filipino military is enraged at the UN, and has claimed that it ordered the troops to surrender to the Islamists, endangering their lives.Funny how the enemies of the left will always go out of their way to help you while their friends will only try to kill you.
The Philippines government and military allege that a detachment of 41 Fijian soldiers who did surrender to the al-Qaeda-linked al-Nusra Brigade were only captured after they obeyed a UN order to surrender. Their whereabouts are unknown.
In a statement on Friday, al-Nusra, which has carried out atrocities in Syria, said it was going to try the Fijian soldiers before a Sharia court.
The Filipinos refused to surrender and after a gun battle with the Islamists, and supported by the Irish troops, they managed to break the siege with no loss of life.
Senior sources said that there would "almost certainly" have been UN casualties or deaths if it wasn't for the help given by the Israeli military, which has posts on high ground overlooking the UN observer bases in Quneitra. The Israeli assistance was described as "decisive" in the success of the mission.
The Israelis were able to guide the Irish-led rescue troops and help it avoid concentrations of the more heavily armed al-Nusra force. There are also unconfirmed reports that the Israelis directed fire at the Islamists to stop them from attacking the Filipino and Irish soldiers.