Saturday, May 11, 2024

Ukraine: and the use of decoys

(Kyiv) Throughout history decoys and misdirection have been used to great effect by one side to gain an advantage over the other, this we saw during the Second World War when the allies hoodwinked Nazis Germany regards the invasion of Europe, when the US deployed the 23rd headquarters special troops  to the Uk in January 1944 who used dummy tanks, aircraft, fake sounds played over loud speakers and even dummy radio traffic in which to send the message across the channel that the Allies had a huge army around Dover ready to cross the shortest distance between the Uk and France, which tied up German thinking and units around the Calais region where actually they struck around 170 miles further south in Normandy.

Well it appears the Ukrainians have gone down a similar route in which to fool the Russians, in this case to misdirect the Russians into using their huge missiles stocks on striking dummy equipment, in fact a small cottage industry has been developed to produce such facsimiles, such as a dummy Patriot missile battery which saw the Russians expend a Iskander ballistic missile which of late the Russians have been using to strike priority targets