Friday, May 24, 2024

China: Carries out huge military exercises around the Island of Taiwan

(Beijing) So 3 days after Lai Ching-te was sworn in as the new President of Taiwan where in his inaugural speech he asked China to stop its military and political threats, that peace was the only choice and that Beijing had to respect the choice of the Taiwanese people. Fair enough request you’d think, but apparently not so to Beijing whose response was something of an infantile hissy fit accusing Lai of seeking independence and destabilising the region. In retaliation, Beijing sanctioned three US defence contractors over arms sales to Taiwan, and former US congressman Mike Gallagher for visiting the  Taipei. It lashed out at US Secretary of State Antony Blinken for congratulating Lai. This it followed up with a full on set of Military exercises which completely surrounded and cut off the Island from the world for the 2 day exercise period which was aimed to intimidate, and threaten Taiwan for voting in a China skeptic as their new president and not voting as China demands. In other words the actions of a bully.

Picture taken from Damien Symon Twitter site

In a nutshell Beijing covets the tiny Island state and has done so since 1945 when the Nationalist army losing the civil war to the communists on the mainland retreated across the 100 mile Taiwan straits to set up home on the Island of Taiwan and since then Beijing refuses to accept Taiwan as an independent state which is why in 1971 it forced the UN to kick Taiwan out , which is why Taiwan is not recognised to this day on that so called world stage. On that note state run Chinese news (CCTV 13) appears to be preparing the Chinese for war with Taiwan