(England) Police called to a disturbance in the Smethwick region of Birmingham were shocked to find 33 year old Muneer Ahmed,bending down in an alleyway off Barrett Street, Smethwick, next to the badly-beaten body of a Pitbull with a brick. When asked why he did so he exclaimed:
“I killed the dog. I know it’s dangerous and banned.”
In court they heard that during an interview with RSPCA officers, that the dog had been struck by a car three days before. He decided to put it down himself because ‘it was annoying him’ and he knew vets would not help as it was a banned pitbull breed. Ah but there's more it transpires that Ahmed admitted letting two other suspected pitbulls run loose in Richmond Road, Bearwood – one of which had to be shot dead by police and the other recovered by the dangerous dogs unit. He pleaded guilty to being the owner of a dog which was dangerously out of control and will be sentenced on April 7.
And there's more:
The 33-year-old was ordered to serve an extra 14 days to run concurrently after he threatened to empty a jug of water over the prosecution solicitor in an expletive-ridden volley of abuse.
and how did his defence explain his actions:
Mr Harmail Gill, defending, said Ahmed killed his dog as an act of compassion after it was hit by a car and was extremely remorseful for his actions.
That's just it, while the liberal world is more than happy to tell you to keep dogs away from Muslims, they omit the fact that in the UK, there has been a
huge resurgence in dog fighting and the people behind this increase, why its the followers of the faith who claim they can't go near dogs becasue they are unclean.