Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Ireland: Mass across Ireland over Immigration, Taoiseach calls them far right.

(Dublin) For the past few months across Ireland concerns have been raised regards the huge influx of migrants (primarily Young single males from Africa and Asia) who time and time again have gone out of their way to be as intolerant as possible towards the Irish people. 

The left of the political centre have silenced any questions or concerns by the Irish people over immigration by playing the Far right, Bigot and race card and that usually worked until the other week when the Irish times ran an article over a racist attack on a tented asylum seeker camp by White Irish men armed with Baseball bats . 

What followed was outrage from the Government, pressure groups etc. Then things took a turn when the reporter stated she didn’t see the assault , but rather heard about it, totally contradicting the Irish times article:

That appears to have been the straw that broke the camels back and these past few days has seen mass protests about migrants across Ireland, 

resulting in the Government playing the far right card yet again in which to try and silence the dissent