Sunday, October 16, 2022

West Bank: Palestinian Authority chief Mahmoud Abbas tells Putin he doesnt trust the US

(Ramallah) In 2018 President Trump frustrated that after 70 years, of the US throwing aid at the Palestinian cause with nothing concrete to show for it, gave the Palestinian National Authority an ultimatum. Work for peace with Israel and receive billions in Aid, refuse and see all Aid cut. They replied that nobody tells them what to do and that the US can stuff it Aid. That saw the US cut all Aid to the Palestinians and a couple of years of faux tears from the Palestinians about how they couldn’t feed their children due to the nasty US.

Well Trump was replaced in 2020 by Biden and when he came to power in January 2021, one of the first things he did was resume assistance to the Palestinians, with $235 million in Aid.

Well you’d think the Palestinians would be grateful wouldn’t you, but no, they showed their true colours last week when Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas met Russian President Vladimir Putin, at a international summit in Kazakhstan which saw Abbas inform Putin he didn't trust the United States which is strange as out of Washington and Moscow, only the former has handed over billions in Aid.

It never fails to amaze me how the left of the political centre who only ever champion the Palestinian cause over anybody else act all suprised when they are stabbed in the back time, and time and time again by their eternal victims