(US) Andrew Fitzgibbon an Irish man was 16 when he won the Victoria Cross, Willie Johnston was 11 when he earned the Medal of Honour. Valentin Kotyk was 14 when he was posthumously awarded the Hero of Soviet Union. The list of children who have laid down their lives in the face of danger is endless and yet today we have a generation of snowflakes who shed tears at the slightest provocation. Once such example is 19 year old singer and song writer ‘Khalid’ who has gone public on how horrified he was at a concert when a female fan grabbed his ass.
Khalid has spoken out on Twitter claiming he was sexually assaulted by a fan https://t.co/vKHBXEbT3m pic.twitter.com/Vlvl6p8Plc— BBC Three (@bbcthree) 20 November 2017