Tuesday, February 28, 2017

UN accuses Germany of ‘institutional racism against Black Africans

(Berlin)  A UN working group of experts on people of African descent consisting of two lawyers and a human rights expert (a Philippine jurisprudent, a French jurisprudence and a South African human rights expert.)- visited Berlin, Dessau, Dresden, Frankfurt, Wiesbaden, Düsseldorf, Cologne and Hamburg from February 20th to 27th this year in which to check out claims of institutional racism and racist stereotyping against ethnic minorities and their conclusion, why yes Germany is a nasty place for minorities but especially for black Africans and Muslims. The UN experts were adamant that they saw systemic problems with racism throughout Germany, and an "incomplete understanding of history" that makes the situation largely invisible to the rest of the population. They concluded their visit by stating:

“Although the constitution guarantees equality, bans racial discrimination and enshrines the inviolability of human dignity, these principles are not put into practise,”

So exactly just what did the UN team find which counts as racism inside Germany? 

Well they expressed particular concern that African men are often too afraid to enter certain parts of the country, due to a fear of being attacked.

They found that many African Islamic pupils at German schools describe their experiences as traumatic, as they not only experience racism as black people but also as Muslims, stating:
“According to what we have heard from civil society, more and more children from African backgrounds have found that bad results during their school years negatively bars their paths into higher education."
They found that X-raying so called child refugees in which to ascertain their ages could be construed as…racist.

They found that German colonial rule in Africa isn’t been taught and that one way in which to make amends is for Germany to make reparations to the countries it used to rule over.  

They also pointed out that street names such as Mohrenstraße were insulting to Africans, Mohr is an outdated German word for a black person. (it means Moor)

The findings and recommendations will be formally presented to the UN Human Rights Council in September.