(Berlin) A UN working group of experts on people of African descent consisting of two lawyers and a human rights expert (a Philippine
jurisprudent, a French jurisprudence and a South African human rights expert.)-
visited Berlin, Dessau, Dresden, Frankfurt, Wiesbaden, Düsseldorf, Cologne and
Hamburg from February 20th to 27th this year in which to check out
claims of institutional racism and racist stereotyping against ethnic minorities
and their conclusion, why yes Germany is a nasty place for minorities but especially for black Africans and Muslims. The UN experts were adamant that they saw systemic problems with racism throughout Germany, and an "incomplete
understanding of history" that makes the situation largely invisible to
the rest of the population. They concluded their visit by stating:
“Although the constitution guarantees equality, bans racial discrimination and enshrines the inviolability of human dignity, these principles are not put into practise,”
“According to what we have heard from civil society, more and more children from African backgrounds have found that bad results during their school years negatively bars their paths into higher education."