(Canada) It appears that due to the election of President Trump, migrants in the US have decided that now is the time to relocate to Canada. In recent months, hundreds of refugees have trickled across the US border into Manitoba, which lies above North Dakota and Montana. Normally, only 40 to 60 cross each year. The Manitoba Interfaith Immigration Council (MIIC), a non-profit organisation in Winnipeg that provides food, shelter, paralegal services and helps refugees file their asylum claims, has seen an unprecedented spike in refugees seeking their help. Rita Chahal, the executive director of MIIC stated:
"There were 21 people who crossed the border since last weekend, in January alone, we had 40 refugees]and since October to the end of January, we had 118 refugees. Those are huge numbers because in an average year we would normally see generally between 50 and 60."