Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Lebanon: Hezb-allah looks to crowd-funding to pay for its terrorist ways.

(Tyre) The Lebanese terror group Hezb-allah has started a crowd-funding campaign in order to finance its activities against Israel. The Iranian-backed terrorist group is looking for funds to purchase weapons and other materiel under the slogan:
 “Money for jihad is a must,”
Which has been hashtagged on social media. The program, also dubbed “the initiative to arm jihadists,” allows donors to pay by phone, on-line, or in instalments. Hezb-allah’s campaign also claimed that:
“Whoever arms a fighter is considered to have fought,”
Citing Islamic tradition. According to Hezb-allah’s website, “Jihadists who fight in the resistance need clothes and military equipment. This initiative allows you to help equip them.” Photographs of different pieces of equipment have been uploaded so donors know exactly what weapons they are supporting.

The Hezb-allah donation form