Thursday, February 16, 2017

Israel threatens Lebanon with mass destruction if Hezb-allah targets Nuclear reactor

(Jerusalem) The otherday Hezb-allah’s leader in hiding Hassan Nasrallah (For some very strange reason Nasrallah never shows his face in public and only makes televised appearances) stated that he (Hezb-allah) now had the means to target anywhere in Israel including Israel’s Dimona nuclear reactor situated in the south of the country.
“I call upon the Israelis not only to evacuate the ammonia tank from Haifa, but also to dismantle [the] Dimona nuclear facility,” Hassan Nasrallah said. “The Israeli nuclear weapon that represents a threat to the entire region, we will turn it into a threat to Israel.”
(Last Sunday, an Israeli court ordered Haifa Chemicals to empty an ammonia tank at Haifa’s port. The move came after a report warned that an attack on the ammonia tank would “cause a disaster whose effects could exceed that of the atom bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki)

Yisrael Katz, Israel's Minister of Intelligence gave a very simple reply aimed at the people of Lebanon:
"If Nasrallah dares to fire at the Israel homefront or at its national infrastructure, all of Lebanon will be hit,"
No doubt reminding them all of what transpired to Lebanon the last time Hezb-allah came out to play.