(Canada) Climate change is a huge subject at the moment and whilst I'll put my hand up and say I fully subscribe to the fact that man is making a huge impact on the planet, I don't however subscribe to the fear mongering tactics used by pressure groups who are only targeting coutnries which are actually doing something and not countris such as China, Iran, India who because of the Paris agreement don't have to do anything regards their emissions until 2030 . They are of course championed by the 'How dare you' queen Greta Thunburg. Who decided to sail across the Atlantic in a £4 million sail boat in which to present her green credentials to the world , what wasn't mentioned was that 4 people were flown across the Atlantic in which to bring the boat back (Pointing in the direction that the original crew flew back to Europe)
I will try to help you with some ideas:— El DiSputado® (@NoSoyLaGente) November 1, 2019
Best wishes.