(Aden) Whilst the ethical latte crowd bemoan the West for being friends with Saudi Arabia which is supporting the Yemeni government against rebels , they conveniently omit that actually everything in the region kicked off due to the mad mullahs in Iran sticking their oar into the country in which to initiate a regime change to one which was sympathetic to Tehran,
In order to bypass the Patriot System, Iran has supplied the rebels with the above suicide drone (most likely they have also supplied the operators as well) and they have started crashing these drones into the radar of the Patriot missile systems in which to ensure that their missiles get through. Which may help explain why SA used a Patriot the other week to take down a drone. Yes something of an overkill, But if you are going to lose a multi million pound radar and then face a ballistic missile attack afterwards what else can you do.
It appears that the Iranian propaganda machine is much more effective at fighting than the terrorists the Mad mullahs fund, Funny enough the idiots at CND, stop the war and Amnesty International leave out the silent partner which has been supplying the rebels with weapons. But then I am talking about that CND which stated that Iran has a right to Nuclear power ,the same CND which invited the Iranian ambassador to talk at the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament’s Annual Conference in 2005, That Amnesty which used a former jailed terrorist as their ambassador for human rights and here are 15 things about the ISIS loving Stop the War crowd. Funny how the left whilst bemoaning the West have no problem sitting at the same table as the worse Islamic terrorists going.