(Evanston) You know what, I have no time for Black Lives Matters, I have no time for Al Sharpton or any of the other racial pressure groups which exist. But at the end of the day they exist because of a belief that life is somewhat unfair to blacks. Now the reason I can say this, is as a child of around 14 I was beaten up by a racist British Policeman for the crime of walking home. Unfortunately for him, he was spotted doing so and faster than a Muslim terrorist can utter 'Allah ackba' this wanker was in his Police van doing 90 down the road in which to escape justice, Due to that beating I was made to take up Ju-Jitsu and only 2 years later I was representing the UK, nobody has ever laid a finger on me again.
Due to their stubbornness, and their inability to apologise. The City of Evanston is now facing a lawsuit, which they are going to lose big time. But worst of all, a large number of Black youths are going to see this video and the resulting police whitewash and say, there is no point in going quietly. More people are going to die , of which some will be policemen and women, simply because black people will feel there is no point in respecting the law.