(Charikar) A young
man in central Parwan province has killed 2 people and injured 3 members of his uncle’s family after they
rejected his proposal to marry his cousin.
As is always the case the offended thug did a runner afterwards. No doubt
heading west in search of asylum.
(Kabul) The Afghan
government has reported that over 90 armed oppositions including their 3 local
commanders of Taliban and 4 ISIS members were killed and 34 others were wounded
during joint military operations led by Afghan security forces across the
country. One such operation took place in Uruzgan province where 16
ISIS thugs were killed; however the Afghan army lost 8 soldiers (additional to
the 90 death toll above)
Elsewhere a Taliban attack on an Army post in Faryabn
province saw 12 soldiers killed by the Taliban
Ramadan death toll stands at 299.