Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Palestinians say no to Rainbow flag. What will Obama think?

(West Bank) Last week, gay marriage became legal in the US. Across the world, the barriers to homophobia are coming down. But in certain parts of the world it is still a crime to love your fellow man (or woman), and the poor Palestinians, so loved by Obama and his fellow liberal crowd, have tended to remain silent on how Muslims treat those who are exactly the same as the rest of us, but prefer their own company.

Last week was when Turkish gays celebrated their so called exclusiveness via their annual gay parade. Well, the Turks were having none of that and so they sent in their riot police in which to break up this little get-together in which to say "No homosexuality under Islam".

Now you see it
This week, some bright spark painted the Rainbow flag on the separation wall between Israel and the West Bank. Faster than you can say 'Allah Ackba', the Palestinian authority had whitewashed it out. Yup, it appears that the so called cash strapped Pals can find the money to cover up elements of a way of life they find abhorrent. But not pick up the litter.

Now you don't
And Western liberals not only remain silent on this bigotry, they also whitewash it over, in which to continue to blame Israel of being the only bigots in the region. I mean, there was even a Queers Against Israel movement. Talk about being f--king stupid.