Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Saudi Arabia buys Chinese UAVs

(Riyadh) China has signed a deal with Saudi Arabia to sell it a domestically-made drone (Wing Loong medium-altitude long-endurance unmanned aerial vehicle, otherwise known as the Pterodactyl I), according to a report in Huanqiu, the website of China's nationalistic tabloid Global Times.

The Pterodactyl I was designed by Chengdu Aircraft Design and Research Institute. The 1,100 kg UAV is about the same size as the American MQ-1 Predator and can fly for around 4,000 kilometres in 20 hours. It can carry a 200 kg payload of armaments and sensors, including two laser guided KD-10 air to surface missiles (similar to the US Hellfire Missiles) or a couple of 50 kg LS-6 guided bombs.”

Anybody else think that it looks like a clone of the Reaper?