Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Muslim gang jailed for stabbing to death school boy in broad day light

(London) Last August 16 a group of school boys who had just finished playing football in a local park in East London were walking home when without any provocation they were set upon by a gang of masked men who attacked the group with knives.

16-year-old Azima Rob was stabbed in the face. When his friend Ajmol Alom stepped in to defend his friend, they set upon him and cut him up to bits. Today in court, Aminur Nadir Khan, 19, from Robin Hood Gardens in Poplar, Mashudur Rahman, 22, Victoria Street in Stratford and Ali Akbar Choudhury, 20, of John Smith Mews in Poplar, were last month convicted of the murder of Ajmol,

Aminur Nadir Khan, Mashudur Rahman, and Ali Akbar Choudhury
Knife crime is rife in London, with over 300 people murdered by being stabbed in 2013. These killings are predominately in the non-white areas of London. However, any attempts by the police in which to stamp out this scourge are met with cries of 'racism' by the ethnic minority political elites. In turn, we have seen policing reduced in those areas due to these silly people, which in turn has seen a rise in criminality, thus allowing these very silly people to again use the race card in which to say that they don't get the support they need. In other words, in order to build their political careers, these people are more than happy to use the blood of their own to fill their wallets.