Monday, May 5, 2014

Gaza Ark hit by explosion and... sunk

(Gaza) Under much fanfare, the democratically elected government of Hamas has for the past couple of years been building their own version of the Ark in which to escape the crippling siege imposed on the mini state of Gaza by the nasty Jews and their bedfellows the Egyptians. (Which kind of doesn't explain the many restaurants, full food shops, hotels and, of course, the tonnes of weapons donated by Iran, Sudan and other despotic Islamic regimes.)

Anyway, last Tuesday, the sole guard on this siege breaker received a call to say that a bomb had been planed and he was to flee, so faster than you can utter 'Allah Ackba', the Islamic version of Captain Felix Maxwell ran faster than the wind, but after nothing went bang after several minutes of utter silence he returned to be greeted by an explosion which blew a huge hole inside the former fishing vessel. I still can't understand why he didn't call for help?

Well, sink the boat the explosion did, but the crew of the Ark (Master Bates, Seaman Staines and Rodger the Cabin Boy) worked long and hard to salvage the hope for Gaza and drag their wounded boat to shore. Naturally, as only Muslims can, they blamed the Jews and call upon the whole world to ask the UN to smite their hooked nosed oppressors.