Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Syria; Turks use their technological advantage to take out Syrian Pantsir S1

(Idlib) I mentioned the other day how the Turks are using their technological advantage to wreak havoc amongst the Syrian armed forces . Well it appears they used their KORAL Electronic Warfare System to silence the radar on the Pantsir S1 Anti aircraft platform allowing one of their drones to target it with a missile.

In a nutshell, when deployed the Pantsir has 12 surface to air missiles ready to launch which are backed up by two 30mm cannon , these are fed data from two radar systems, one on top and one between the guns. The Russians swear by it and actually use it  to defend their much larger S400 missile sites , but like the Israelis the Turks have figured out how to bypass the system and they have aired a film of the destruction of one of them: