Monday, March 23, 2020

Denmark: Freedom of expression and Islam

(Copenhagen)  Across the free world, Muslims and their liberal sycophants love to opine about the right to the freedom of movement. expression and speech regards subjects they find dear, you know the rights of migrants to relocate to the so called nasty racist west, the right to complain about Israel , the US and UK and the right to carry out barbaric practices which are rightly banned in civilised countries (Sharia law, FGM, Child marriages etc) But they have no problem denying those very rights to those on the other side of the political religious fence they like to place between themselves and the rest of the world,

So when worshippers saw they were being filmed regards congregation nbrs in Denmark over the current COVID 19 crisis lockdown they took umbridge and decided to express themselves as only Muslims can , problem there was, the Police were on hand.