(Ouham-Pendé) The Central African Republic a Christianmajority country (80% ) in the Northern part of central Africa is faced on 3 sides by Muslim majority
countries the other countries (Congo/South Sudan and Uganda) have sizable
Islamic populations.
It appears that the faithful weren’t happy having a
sizable chunk of Christian land in their midst and so in 2004 they started a bush war in the north of the country in which to enforce their will and their
faith onto the kuffer. In 2012 the rebels joined forces to form Séléka . A deal
was made by the president for the Islamic rebels to power share, but that deal
fell by the wayside and the rebels went on the rampage installing their own as president
. Once in overall power the rebels did what Islamic rebels do to Christians and
started killing them. Problem was and still is only 10 % of the country is
Islamic and the Christians said enough is enough and fought back The media painted this as poor Muslims at the
hands of Christians , leaving out the salient fact that everybody was happy
until the Islamic rebels decided to cross in the country and start their kill
fest. The UN was called in and 4 years down the line 13000 UN troops and 2000 French
troops separate 2000 Muslim rebels from 72000 Christian fighters.
Problem is the Islamic rebels aren’t happy and from time to time decide to murder death kill simply because they can and on Wednesday they decided to run riot over the province of Ouham Pende (situated next to Islamic Cameroon) killing 50 people.
Ramadan death toll stands at 777