Thursday, July 10, 2014

Why can't the Islamic world just tell the truth for once?

(Gaza) The current set to between Israel and Gaza started when 2 Hamas goons took the word of their political masters to the letter and kidnapped 3 young boys and shot them dead. While searching for them, Israel picked up 56 former prisoners who were released as part of the Gilad Shalit prisoner exchange deal.

So, in an attempt to take the spotlight off themselves on how peaceful Muslims have no problem killing little children, the idiots in charge in Gaza hit on the idea of upping the ante with their much larger neighbour. The mindset being (like all Muslims) that if Israel hits back, instead of being blood thirsty killers, the liberal world would see Hamas as fluffy bunnies who wouldn't harm a flea. (Jews, women, Hindus and apostates yes, but fleas no.)

Well, they got their wish, and the bBC has had no problem saying that medicines are running out in Gaza (while having no problem sneaking in hundreds of military grade missiles), think of the children and Israel can only be nasty.

The Turks, not as pro-terrorist as the bBC, have decided to get into the act of castigating the Jews. They are currently promoting the view that the attacks on Gaza aren't about Israel trying to defend itself but rather about knocking Gaza into the stone age so they can steal from the gas fields situated just off Gaza. Yup, they have managed to find a British expert - Dr. Nafeez Ahmed - in which to prove that:
"That Israel sees Hamas as the fundamental obstacle to its gas development plans, and added: "It is intent on weakening the group to allow Israel to enforce conditions on the ground favorable to Israeli interests in dominating the gas (reserves)."
Really, Ahmed ?

Nothing about how 3 young boys were murdered by Hamas in a botched kidnapping and they can't allow themselves to be seen as blood thirsty Islamic savages by their Nbr 1 cheer leader, the bBC. Hence the rocket attacks, but like a true Muslim, you lie in which to cover up the blood lust of Islam.