(London) Muslim Abu Bakr Mansha is a nasty piece of work. Subscribing to a life of crime from an early age, he quickly gravitated to a life as a racist bigot, because when he was growing up, the liberal polices of the left in the UK ensured that Muslims would only be seen as victims. Anyway, he was jailed in 2005 after he was implicated in a plot to kill a British soldier. He was released early, after 4 years, but so hostile was this prick that the police broke down his down one morning to knick him and send him back to prison.
Once back in, the Liberals promoted Mansha as something of a success story in the rehabilitation of violent criminals by teaching them to cage fight. That is until September 17, 2012. It seems that Mansha took offence at 2 black men shopping in a supermarket for being black and not Muslims. So, he, along with a 16-year-old youth attacked the 2 men. He then followed them home, and once he knew where they lived, he rang 4 of his mates and together they attacked the 2 men with baseball bats and nearly killed them.
The Inner London Crown Court heard there was both a religious element and a racial element to the attack on the two men who were black and non-Muslim. The vicious assault sparked an investigation by the Metropolitan Police's counter-terrorism command. All six of the attackers, who the Met Police confirmed were Muslim, pleaded guilty to grievous bodily harm with intent. Judge Ian Darling said: 'Not only was there a religious aspect to this offence, but there was an undoubted racial element.' Both prior to and after the attack, Mr Mansha is heard to use language that is foul, unacceptable and which reveals a degree of racial intolerance that is worrying.
Today, the gang of 6 were jailed for 36 years, which in the UK means 18 years shared between 6 racist thugs. Ringleader Mansha, of Newham, north London, was jailed for 10 years. (Read that as 5). Salim Jada, 32, and Javed Patel, 29, both also of Newham, were jailed for eight years each. (Read that as 4) Ibrahim Mohammed, 32, from Newham, was sentenced to six-and-a-half years' jail, (3 years) while 30-year-old Zuber Kara, of Bow, east London, received a two-year jail sentence (1 year?) and the the teenage boy - who cannot be named because of his human rights - was sentenced to an 18-month detention and training order. Yeah, so much for British justice.
The thing is, if this had been an attack by white people, the whole media circus would have been in town. Yet, as it was an attack by those the Left deem as belonging to a peaceful faith, the first we in the UK have got to hear about this, is... 2 years later.
Once back in, the Liberals promoted Mansha as something of a success story in the rehabilitation of violent criminals by teaching them to cage fight. That is until September 17, 2012. It seems that Mansha took offence at 2 black men shopping in a supermarket for being black and not Muslims. So, he, along with a 16-year-old youth attacked the 2 men. He then followed them home, and once he knew where they lived, he rang 4 of his mates and together they attacked the 2 men with baseball bats and nearly killed them.
The Inner London Crown Court heard there was both a religious element and a racial element to the attack on the two men who were black and non-Muslim. The vicious assault sparked an investigation by the Metropolitan Police's counter-terrorism command. All six of the attackers, who the Met Police confirmed were Muslim, pleaded guilty to grievous bodily harm with intent. Judge Ian Darling said: 'Not only was there a religious aspect to this offence, but there was an undoubted racial element.' Both prior to and after the attack, Mr Mansha is heard to use language that is foul, unacceptable and which reveals a degree of racial intolerance that is worrying.
The thing is, if this had been an attack by white people, the whole media circus would have been in town. Yet, as it was an attack by those the Left deem as belonging to a peaceful faith, the first we in the UK have got to hear about this, is... 2 years later.