Friday, July 25, 2014

It's the last Friday of Ramadan and it's protest time

All around the world Muslims, inflamed by the situation inside Gaza, are expressing their anger as only Muslims can... VIOLENT PROTEST.

In Turkey, the Government is informing the plebs where to protest via the media, and for some strange reason, they are informing them to vent their spleens outside the US Embassy.

In Thailand, Muslims who have been trying to murder their way into ceding their half of the country to Islam are bitching outside the Israeli Embassy.

In the US, there are many protests. One such being in Portland where protesters are chanting "Stop the massacre!" and "Long live the Intifada!"

In Kabul, thousands marched in protest against Israel's operation in Gaza.

In Berlin, two separate protests were held, one for Israel and one against it. Police announced their intention to strictly enforce restrictions among the protesters, including forbidding slogans that incite violence or the burning of flags or effigies.

For some strange reason, in the UK, numbers of anti-Israeli marches end up outside the bBC. Maybe the protesters feel at home with their anti-Semitism there. But hey, even the bBC is in on the act. Today they aired an article on how to protest against... Israel.

The thing is, less than 1,000 people have been killed in the conflict/war, name it what you want, started by the rulers of Gaza. There is no ifs or buts they started it. And all these people feel that Israel is at fault.

Where have they been these past few years when it comes to the much larger death toll inside Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Pakistan, Nigeria, etc.? You know, those deaths caused by Muslims.