Friday, July 25, 2014

Danish MP: "Treat Muslims like we treated Hitler"

(Copenhagen) Mogens Camre, a Dansish politician has stated that when it comes to persecuting Jews, Muslims in Europe have “picked up where Hitler left off, and only the same treatment that Hitler received will change the situation. Camre said that it is:
“Obvious” that Muslims are persecuting Jews in Europe"
He said:
“You also have an imam in Aarhus, calling for the killing of Jews and an extraordinary situation in Norway where the Norwegian police are armed to the teeth and patrolling the streets in front of parliament and at the borders,”
“It is not every Muslim, but there are Muslims persecuting Jews in the major cities.”
“People who attack democracy, must of course be defeated, Those who repeatedly threaten holy war against the West must be defeated.”