Mogadishu - Al-Qaeda-linked Shabaab militants have warned they will step up attacks in the Somali capital Mogadishu during the holy month of Ramadan, which started on Sunday.Ah, the things they do for Allah in the name of their Religion of Peace™.
In an audio message released on the Shabaab-controlled station Radio Andalus and also on an Islamist website, the group's commander in charge of Mogadishu operations, Sheik Ali Mohamed Hussein, said the time had come when violence will be at a peak.
His statement came just a few hours after the Somalia government deployed dozens of heavily armed police on key streets and roads in Mogadishu to counter attacks.
"The attacks will increase and explosions will continue, Mogadishu will remain a frontline and even worse than ever," said Sheik Ali Mohamed Hussein.
"Everything that is related to devotion to Allah including Jihad must be intensified during the holy month of Ramadan and to ensure this objective, the Mujahedeen fighters will scale up strikes on the enemy," he added.
Monday, June 30, 2014
Ramadan blood lust: Somali al-Shabaab warns of violent attacks during Ramadan
Posted by Watcher at 6/30/2014 11:49:00 PM |

What would you do if these mini terrorists were trying to attack you?
Posted by Watcher at 6/30/2014 11:32:00 PM |

Palestinians attack, damage ambulance carrying bodies of murdered teenagers
The Israeli ambulance that carried the 3 murdered teenagers bodies away was attacked and damaged.
— Jonathan Nicholas (@JonathanNichol4) June 30, 2014
Posted by Watcher at 6/30/2014 08:37:00 PM |

If you're flying over "Palestinian"-occupied territories, what's the one announcement you'd want to hear?

Posted by Watcher at 6/30/2014 08:24:00 PM |

The bBC expresses its bias over the murders of 3 Israeli boys

Posted by pounce_uk at 6/30/2014 07:10:00 PM |

ISIS thugs state that they will ruin the Kaaba after capturing Saudi Arabia
I quote one of their so called self appointed leaders:
ISIS member Abu Turab Al Mugaddasi said that they would destroy the Kaaba in Mecca: “If Allah wills, we will kill those who worship stones in Mecca and destroy the Kaaba. People go to Mecca to touch the stones, not for Allah.”Do these dickheads think that the entire Islamic world (what, 1.3 billion?) are going to let a few punks with guns and a blood lust to take Saudi Arabia? You're going to see Islamic nations like Turkey, Pakistan, Egypt, Malaysia and the rest send armies to not only combat ISIS but to hunt them down and wipe them off the face of the map.
The irony here is, when and if this transpires, these dickless wonders (ISIS) will go running to the West, asking for asylum... and we will give it to them. We never learn.
Posted by pounce_uk at 6/30/2014 06:56:00 PM |

Tell you what, I'm enjoying this World Cup
Posted by pounce_uk at 6/30/2014 06:37:00 PM |

China wishes a happy Ramadan to its Islamic population by jailing 113 Muslims
Xinjiang, home to the minority (Islamic) Uighurs, has seen a rise in violence in recent months. Most recently, a May 22 attack in a vegetable market in the regional capital of Urumqi left 43 dead, including four suspected attackers, prompting Beijing to announce a year-long operation to crack down on the Chinese followers of Mohammed.
What is it about Muslims and their penchant for violence?
Posted by pounce_uk at 6/30/2014 06:19:00 PM |

How the Left (and the Muslim world) love to play the victim card for Islam
In the UK, a self appointed group Tell Mama tried to tell the world how intolerant the UK was towards Muslims. Last November, to much fanfare, Tell Mama accused the police of failing to investigate anti-Muslim abuse. Oh, how the liberal world took the facts and figures parroted from this (at the time) government-funded anti-hate group. It cited 1,432 cases of abuse in 22 months up to Nov 13.
Then something strange happened, people dissected those facts and figures and came up with truth: that 57% of incidents recorded by Tell Mama in the week after the Woolwich murder were online incidents and most of them were from... abroad. Cressida Dick of the Metropolitan Police said that her force, which is one of the only forces which monitors anti-Muslim incidents, had seen fewer anti-Muslim incidents than after the 7 July bombings in 2005.
And yet to the liberal world, Muslims can only be victims. After numerous court cases regarding child paedophilia involving Islamic men, the Left still refuse to refer to these gangs as... paedophiles. Do a search on the bBC news website and prove me wrong. (I've looked.)
Well, Tell Mama lost a lot of credibility with those made up claims and they lost their government funding. But that didn't stop the bBC from calling up these lying bastards from playing the victim card for the most intolerant people in the UK.
Well, guess what, they've only gone and claimed the exact same thing:
Muslims remain among the most likely minority group in Britain to be targeted for a hate crime.So, let's look at these latest figures, shall we?
It found that between May 2013 and February of this year, there were 734 self-reported cases of anti-Islamic abuse - equivalent to more than two a day on average.
Of these, 599 were incidents of online abuse and threats, the study found, while the rest were "offline" attacks such as violence, spreading of anti-Muslim literature, threats and assaults.
So, hang on. 600 (well, 1 short) out of 734 of anti-Islamic reported acts of abuse over a period of 10 months from a country with a population of 60 million was ethereal and not actually physical acts and, as dissected before, I wonder how much of that abuse was from abroad.
Now, before any left-wing ethical latte drinkers have a go at me for being a racist, I am brown skinned, I have an Islamic name and I live in a small British market town which is predominately... white. So, if I can walk about in peace and safety (I own Sash windows which cost me £1,200 each, and they haven't been smashed), then why can't the rest of these Muslims?
I want for nothing more than everyone to live in peace. Yes, there are bigots and racists in the UK, but you know what, I see far more from the ranks of the non-White population than from within it. Now, if only these so called victims would start to address the idiots within their midst.
Posted by pounce_uk at 6/30/2014 04:43:00 PM |

Report: Abbas crapping his pants, holding 'frantic' talks with US, EU
(Ynet) Arab-language Sky channel reported that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas was holding "frantic" talks with US and EU officials in Washington to prevent Israel from conducting a "revenge military operation."Israel needs to kill Abbas, too. It's time for "Palestinian" leaders to learn their lives are forfeit if they can't control their rabid animals. Abbas has either lost control or he's still playing like he's the nice guy. Either way, he's part of the problem.
Posted by Watcher at 6/30/2014 04:22:00 PM |

Hamas 'Technocrats' Vow to 'Open the Gates of Hell' if IDF Responds to Murder
(INN) The Hamas terrorist group has warned it will "open the gates of hell" if Israel sought to escalate its operation against the Islamist group in response to the murder of the three Israeli teenagers whose bodies were found this afternoon.
"If the occupiers carry out an escalation or a war, they will open the gates of hell on themselves," Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri told AFP.
The warning came shortly after Israel confirmed finding the bodies of the three students who disappeared while hitchhiking in Gush Etion on June 12.
The bodies were found in a field near the Arab village of Halhoul some 10 minutes from the roadside spot where they were last seen, media reports said.
Israel has said Hamas is behind the kidnapping; last week, authorities released for publication the identities of two Hamas operatives wanted in connection with the kidnappings. They are now being sought for murder.
Those Hamas scum murdered an American. End all aid to the "Palestinians" today. Then send in naval air. @WarrenPeas64 @hughhewitt
— Kurt Schlichter (@KurtSchlichter) June 30, 2014
Posted by Watcher at 6/30/2014 03:53:00 PM |

14 military grade missiles launched from Peaceful Gaza into Nasty Israel
Yup, the state that the Left scream about the lack of basic things, soap, bread, petrol, medicines within its tiny borders has no problem getting its hands on big boys' toys.
Anyway, today, like nearly every day for the past fortnight, those poor fuckers in Gaza who should be celebrating 'Ramadan' sent 14 missiles Israel's way in which to reinforce their victim status.
Peaceful religion my arse.
Posted by pounce_uk at 6/30/2014 03:39:00 PM |

ISIS declares Caliphate, airs vision of future world

Really, you blood thirsty savages? I know your lot never went to school, but if you did you will have learnt how in 1939 another arsehole tried to do likewise. The whole world took him on and his dreams of a 1,000-year empire were crumpled under the tracks of a lot of Russian tanks 6 years later.
Posted by pounce_uk at 6/30/2014 02:31:00 PM |

Philippines put on terror alert
It seems that the Philippine government is expecting some sort of backlash after Khair Mundos, an expert bomb-maker and the "spiritual leader" of the Abu Sayyaf faction, was arrested. Mundos who has a $500,000 bounty in the US, can expect to be sent to his new home for the rest of his life in the next few days. Until then, you can expect Allah's finest to kill as many people as they can in which to try and win him back.
Posted by pounce_uk at 6/30/2014 02:01:00 PM |

Bodies of three kidnapped Israeli teens found
![]() |
Eyal Yifrach, Gil-ad Shaar and Naftali Fraenkel |
Israeli forces late Monday surrounded the homes of two men suspected of kidnapping and killing three Israeli teens, and prepared to demolish the houses, locals said.
Posted by pounce_uk at 6/30/2014 01:43:00 PM |

Egypt: Man rapes sister, wife’s sister and her daughter
Police investigation later revealed he had also raped his wife’s sister and her 12-year-old daughter.
The unnamed man confessed to having committed such crimes but claimed he was drunk when he attacked his victims with a knife.
His mother, on hearing the news, died of a heart attack.
Posted by pounce_uk at 6/30/2014 01:38:00 PM |

Ramadan Death Count Round Up (June 30, 2014)
This came a day after al-Shabaab, the main terrorist outfit, declared that Ramadan is the perfect time for killing. So much for a peaceful month then.
(Egypt) 2 police officers were killed while attempting to defuse a bomb left outside the President's palace.
(Kashmir) 18 Muslims, seeing in the start of Ramadan with a sneaky drink or two, died after their home made brew poisoned them.
Got to love these pious bigots who bitch that working near alcohol is forbidden and that everybody must observe Ramadan, yet die from having a tipple.
(Pakistan) After a couple of weeks of softening up the Taliban with airstrikes, the Pakistani army marched into the North-West Frontier in which to show them who are the top dogs. The thing is, for the past 11 years the Pakistani army has been doing this on a yearly basis - they bomb, send in the tanks, lose a lot of troops and sign a peace treaty. Anyway, they killed 17 Taliban terrorists today. Expect the figure to rise (on both sides).
(Iraq) A bomb was set off in Baghdad today, killing one and injuring seven.
(Thailand) A village deputy was shot dead inside a mosque today by Islamic terrorists who have continued with their blood lust in which to cede the southern half of Thailand away and form a pure Islamic state. The killing of Muslims who don't support their ways is their way of saying that Allah doesn't approve.
(Syria) A barrage of mortar shells hit areas of the northern city of Idlib on Monday,today killing 14 people and wounding at least 50.
(Beirut) Three Palestinians were shot dead and seven people wounded in a gunfight in southern Beirut today on the edge of the Palestinian refugee camp of Shatila
(Saudi Arabia) A Saudi man killed his brother with a knife during a fight at their house in the town of Al Haet.
Ramadan death toll is now at 408.
Posted by pounce_uk at 6/30/2014 01:29:00 PM |

60 Taliban killed by ANA
Officials in the Ministry of Defence of Afghanistan said the terrorists were killed during the operations in six different provinces of the country. The officials further added that 37 terrorists were also injured during the operations and another terrorist was arrested.
Also, the Army reported that 10 of its soldiers were killed by the use of IEDs.
Ramadan death toll is now at 349.
Posted by pounce_uk at 6/30/2014 02:19:00 AM |

Sunday, June 29, 2014
Blame The Obama Doctrine For Iraq

(The Daily Beast) Obama keeps trying to blame Maliki, but his administration left Baghdad vulnerable so he could claim in 2012 he’d ended the war he’d opposed all along.
The question “Who lost Iraq?” will inspire discussion, debate, and deconstruction by American foreign policy experts and practitioners for generations to come. And with good reason: the implosion of Iraq and the expansion of al-Qaeda-inspired militant movements across the heart of the Middle East represents the type of monumental setback for American foreign policy not seen since the Cold-War-era debates over “who lost China” and “who lost Vietnam.”
But while determining who (or what) is most responsible for the current Iraq debacle is important, of greater significance is figuring out what it means for America’s broader role in the world, and for an Obama White House that still has more than two years left on the ledger.
By any measure, the outlook appears grim. Indeed, Iraq is simply the most recent foreign policy calamity for an administration obsessed with reducing America’s role in the world. There is still time for a course correction. But for that to happen the administration needs to become far less concerned with winning the political “blame game” over Iraq, and focus on restoring America’s flailing global leadership.
It certainly does not inspire confidence that the White House is now in full defensive mode on Iraq, seeking to absolve itself of any responsibility for the stunning turn of events. The administration is of course blaming former president George W. Bush for starting the war in the first place (obviously true—but large bipartisan majorities in Congress also voted for the war). It is also trying to lay all blame on the Iraqi government for supposedly rejecting a proposal to leave behind a residual U.S. troop presence in Iraq after the prior Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) expired at the end of 2011.
But facts are stubborn things. And the fact is Iraq, due largely to Bush’s 2007 troop “surge” that then-Senator Barack Obama and most Congressional Democrats opposed, was stabilized when Obama entered the Oval Office in 2009. Al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) had been decimated, thousands of U.S. military advisers were training the Iraqi army and security forces, and tens-of-thousands of U.S. troops were helping sustain the peace; all allowing for the growth of a nascent, yet admittedly imperfect, democracy.
Circumstances were so improved that Vice President Joe Biden (another “surge” opponent) crowed in February 2010 that a stable, democratic Iraq was going to be “one of the great achievements of this administration.” In December 2011 President Obama doubled-down on that sentiment, praising America’s “extraordinary achievement” in helping create “a sovereign, stable, and self-reliant Iraq.”
So the real issue is not whether Iraq had been successfully stabilized, but why Obama would order a precipitous withdrawal of all U.S. troops and military advisers from such a fragile experiment in self-government. After all, the United States kept tens of thousands of troops in Germany, Japan, and Korea long after those wars ended.
Posted by Watcher at 6/29/2014 07:33:00 PM |

Ramadan blood fest: Nigerian Islamists attack villages, churches near Chibok, killing at least 53
MAIDUGURI Nigeria (Reuters) - Suspected Islamist militants killed dozens of people on Sunday in an attack on three Nigerian villages, including one targeting worshippers at a church, a few kilometres (three miles) from Chibok, the scene of an abduction of more than 200 school girls.Ramadan death toll is now at 279.
Violence in Nigeria's northeast has been relentless in the past year and has gained in intensity since April, when more than 200 schoolgirls were snatched by Boko Haram rebels from Chibok. Efforts to free them, which have attracted Western support, have so far not succeeded.
In a separate assault on Friday evening insurgents killed seven soldiers in the village of Goniri, in Yobe state, a security source and witnesses said.
The attackers on Sunday made simultaneous strikes on three villages in the Chibok community, in Borno state.
Posted by Watcher at 6/29/2014 06:12:00 PM |

Al-Qaeda breakaway formally declares Islamic State

BAGHDAD (AP) — The al-Qaida breakaway group that has seized much of northern Syria and huge tracks of neighboring Iraq formally declared the creation of an Islamic state on Sunday in the territory under its control.
The spokesman for the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, Abu Mohammed al-Adnani, made the announcement in an audio statement posted online. Islamic extremists have long dreamed of recreating the Islamic state, or caliphate, that ruled over the Middle East for hundreds of years.
Abu Mohammed al-Adnani said the group's chief, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, is the new leader, or caliph, of the Islamic state. He called on those living in the areas under the organization's control to swear allegiance to al-Baghdadi and support him.
"The legality of all emirates, groups, states and organizations becomes null by the expansion of the caliph's authority and the arrival of its troops to their areas," al-Adnani said.
He said that with the creation of the caliphate, the group was changing its name to just the Islamic State, dropping the mention of Iraq and the Levant.
It was unclear what immediate practical impact the declaration would have on the ground in Syria and Iraq, or among the wider global jihadi community.
Posted by Watcher at 6/29/2014 05:48:00 PM |

ISIS Jihadists Rape Christian Mother and Daughter for Not Paying Jizya Tax

(Examiner) On Monday, the Assyrian International News Agency reported that a mother and daughter in Mosul were raped by ISIS militants because they could not afford to pay a poll tax levied against non-Muslims.
Dr. Sallama Al Khafaji, a member of the Iraq High Commission for Human Rights, told AINA that ISIS began enforcing the tax against Christians in Mosul. When the family told militants they could not afford the tax, three ISIS members reportedly raped the mother and daughter in front of the husband and father who was so traumatized he committed suicide.
"The Christians have told me that they cannot pay this tax," Dr. Al-Khafaji said. "And they say 'what am I to do, shall I kill myself?'"
On Monday, the Business Standard said that ISIS fighters have told Iraqi families they must hand their daughters to militants in order for them to "cleanse" themselves through sex.
"Last year, a Saudi-based cleric issued a fatwa allowing jihadists to rape women in Syria," the Business Standard said. The practice has now spread to Iraq. Those who disobey are reportedly being warned they will be beaten and killed.
The UK Independent said Tuesday militants are even going door-to-door in some places looking for unmarried women.
“I told them that there were only two women in the house and both were married,” Abu Lahid told the Independent. “They said that many of their mujahedin [fighters] were unmarried and wanted a wife. They insisted on coming into my house to look at the women’s ID cards [which in Iraq show marital status].”
The reports are just the latest documented atrocities coming out of the area. One Arabic-language website, for example, claimed that four Christian women were shot and killed by ISIS militants for not wearing veils. AINA said it has not confirmed the report, noting the site is run by Shiites.
Last Thursday, Fox News reported on what it called the "religious cleansing" of Christians from Iraqi areas controlled by ISIS. According to Fox, an estimated 150,000 people have fled Mosul and their ancient Christian heartland -- some, Fox added, "for the second time in a decade."
A post at Redstate notes that thanks to Obama's lack of action, defeat is being snatched from the jaws of victory and Christians are paying the price with their lives.
Posted by Watcher at 6/29/2014 05:26:00 PM |

Obama's America: DHS Trashes Couple’s Home, Strips Woman Naked at Gunpoint, Offers No Explanation (video)
(TPNN) In America, we have certain rights. Central to our civil liberties is a presumption of innocence until having been found guilty in a court of law and the right of citizens to be secure from unreasonable searches and seizures.
One Florida couple found out the hard way that though these rights exist in theory, the modern federal government feels free to play fast-and-loose with these concepts.
At approximately 6:16 am on June 10th, 2014, Kari Edwards and her live-in boyfriend were seized upon by a SWAT team who smashed in the door and using flashbangs and armed to the teeth, swarmed upon the couple and even stripped Ms. Edwards naked in the process.
The couple says that the group entailed personnel from DHS, for whom Edwards once worked. After smashing in the door, the tactical team threw in flashbang grenades, traumatizing their cat and swarmed upon Edwards’s boyfriend and Edwards who had just gotten out of the shower.
“They busted in like I was a terrorist or something,” Edwards said.
“[An officer] demanded that I drop the towel I was covering my naked body with before snatching it off me physically and throwing me to the ground.”
“While I lay naked, I was cuffed so tightly I could not feel my hands. For no reason, at gunpoint,” Edwards said. “[Agents] refused to cover me, no matter how many times I asked.”
“I have never been in any trouble before,” Edwards later stated. “Haven’t even had a traffic ticket in over ten years.”
The couple claim to have seen several different agency uniforms and Edwards repeatedly asked who they were and why they were there. Edwards claimed that they would only identify as “police” and refused to identify why they were there.
The couple has surveillance cameras which caught much of the action. When they were discovered, agents turned the cameras toward the wall.
After two hours and after the agents had thoroughly trashed the house, Edwards was given a warrant signed by Jonathan Goodman, a federal magistrate judge for the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida that authorized the agents to search for computers and electronics.
Edwards’ boyfriend fixes up old computers but she claimed that the police barely looked at any electronics and did not seize any of the electronics in the house.
Like so many recent instances regarding federal militancy, the root cause of the police action can be justifiable while the manner in which police are investigating alleged illegalities is wholly inappropriate. If the police had a warrant to search for electronics, it’s possible to have executed that warrant without the firepower once reserved for Army Rangers going door-to-door in Fallujah.
Posted by Watcher at 6/29/2014 03:43:00 PM |

Ramadan in Thailand seen in with violence, 2 policemen killed
While Ramadan is promoted by Muslims the world over as a time for peace and reflection, the Thai police have learnt from bitter experience that the opposite is true and so have sent thousands of troops to the region in which to keep the peace.
Which is why Sunday morning saw 2 bombs blast damaging a power line to a nearby village and a gun attack on a non-Islamic villager.
Ramadan death toll is now at 226.
Posted by pounce_uk at 6/29/2014 03:34:00 PM |

Israel strikes terror target in Gaza after rocket attack, killing 1

(Times of Israel) Israeli aircraft retaliated against rocket fire emanating from the Gaza Strip on Sunday evening in a strike that Palestinian reports said left one Palestinian dead and three injured.Ramadan death toll is now at 224.
The army said in a statement that the raid was targeting terrorists “in the southern Gaza Strip, during their final preparations to launch rockets at civilian communities of southern Israel.”
“Hamas is responsible for the outrageous attacks originating from Gaza, and will be pursued as such,” IDF Spokesman Lt. Col. Peter Lerner said.
The Israel Air Force attack on Khan Younis came minutes after Palestinians in the coastal enclave fired a volley of rockets at southwestern Israel. The Iron Dome defense system shot down two of the projectiles — Grad rockets — over Netivot.
There were no initial reports of injury or damage.
Earlier in the day Israel Air Force planes struck 12 sites in Gaza in response to rockets fired over the weekend. Two rockets that hit the town of Sderot, close to the border with Gaza, late Saturday, causing a massive fire that destroyed a paint factory.
According to Israeli officials, June saw a spike in rocket attacks, with 4.5 times the number of rockets launched at Israel compared to the previous month, from 13 rockets launched in May to over 60 in June.
Posted by Watcher at 6/29/2014 03:20:00 PM |

142 terrorists killed, helicopter shot down as Iraq continues push into Tikrit
This offensive is something of a make or break for both sides, as whoever wins will have a free reign to advance. Well not so much the ISIS terrorists, as they will be stretching their lines of supply and communication, while the Iraqi army units will be shortening theirs.
Anyway, a communique from the Iraqi army today revealed that in the past 24 hours they have killed 142 ISIS terrorists, without giving any figures of their own losses. Also, a wedding party being held a few miles from Tikrit was hit from the air by the Iraqi air force, killing 4 people.
Ramadan death toll is now at 223.
Posted by pounce_uk at 6/29/2014 03:20:00 PM |

Afghans claim victory over Taliban
After almost a fortnight of fighting, the government claims to have sent the Taliban packing, leaving behind over 260 dead terrorists for the somewhat dubious number of 28 army person killed.
Posted by pounce_uk at 6/29/2014 03:00:00 PM |

Saudi religious extremist slams other religious extremists as Muslims mark Ramadan

Riyadh (AFP) - Saudi King Abdullah on Sunday sharply criticised religious extremists, vowing not to let "a handful of terrorists... terrify Muslims", in a speech marking the start of the Muslim holy fasting month of Ramadan.This king guy is a riot, he should have his own show.
Islam is "religion of unity, fraternity and mutual support" but some people "lured in by false calls... are confusing reform with terrorism", the monarch said, in comments carried by state news agency SPA.
"Their goal is to sow discord among Muslims," he said in an apparent reference to insurgents from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).
Posted by Watcher at 6/29/2014 02:55:00 PM |

Pakistani airstrike takes out 16 terrorists
Ramadan death toll is now at 77.
Posted by pounce_uk at 6/29/2014 02:54:00 PM |

IAF Hits 12 Gaza Targets in Retaliation for Rocket Fire; Israel Warns of Larger Gaza War

(WJD) Israel fired on 12 sites in the Gaza Strip Sunday in retaliation for rocket fire that struck a factory in Sderot and burned it to the ground.
Four people were injured in the blaze. A PLO faction took responsibility for the rocket fire, saying it was in response to Israel's targeted killing of two of its members on Friday.
Rocket attacks from Gaza have escalated in recent days, as the IDF crackdown on Hamas in the West Bank following the kidnapping of three teenagers continues to cause serious damage to the genocidal terrorist organization.
IDF retaliatory strikes have intensified along with the rocket attacks, with one strike earlier on Saturday reportedly killing several high-ranking terrorists.
Posted by Watcher at 6/29/2014 02:47:00 PM |

Ramadan blood fest: Girl in Pakistan immolated for refusing marriage request
Ramadan death toll is now at 61.
Posted by pounce_uk at 6/29/2014 09:39:00 AM |

Ramadan blood fest: Terrorists in Somalia see in Ramadan by shooting 3 dead
This was followed by a radio broadcast by Islamic terrorists on their very own terrorist radio station when they declared that:
"The time had come when violence will be at a peak.The attacks will increase and explosions will continue, Mogadishu will remain a frontline and even worse than ever," Everything that is related to devotion to Allah including Jihad must be intensified during the holy month of Ramadan and to ensure this objective."
Ramadan death toll is now at 60.
Posted by pounce_uk at 6/29/2014 09:28:00 AM |

Upset at all the press the ME is getting, North Korea launches 2 missiles into the sea
So as to scream out: "Me, me, me, me, me, feed me!"

the Fatty had his armed forces launch a couple of short range missiles into the sea in which to teach the imperialist pigs across the border not to mess. And to think I presumed the writings of Richmal Crompton were works of fiction.
Posted by pounce_uk at 6/29/2014 09:19:00 AM |

Ramadan blood fest: ISIS crucifies 8 men inside Syria

The reason why Muslims crucify their victims is that in doing so they can claim that their victims are not Muslims, so they can legitimately murder them according to the codex of the Koran. Something of a similar vein transpires when Muslims are found guilty of terrorism in the West, when Muslims claim that those who did so are not Muslims, and in saying so, what they are saying is that the people who did so must have been... infidels.
Ramadan death toll is now at 57.
Posted by pounce_uk at 6/29/2014 07:57:00 AM |

Former British Government adviser wants Hero status for Muslims who go to Jihad in Syria

(London) Farooq Siddiqui, a former senior British government adviser on tackling radicalisation and extremism, has defended the right of British Muslims to travel to Syria and fight. He does this by saying it is acceptable for British Muslims to "walk the walk" and travel to Syria to fight the forces of President Bashar al-Assad.
Mr Siddiqui bases his stance on how Jewish Britons were free to join the Israeli Defence Force and return to the UK without censure, while Muslims taking up arms against what they viewed as a tyrannical dictator, Assad, faced arrest.
Ah, the last I looked, Israel is a sovereign state (no matter what the haters claim) and its military abides by the rule of law (no matter what the haters claim). The idiots who bugger off to Syria (and elsewhere) for Allah have no problem oppressing, torturing and murdering those who don't subscribe to their bigoted ways, and I've yet to hear of any Jews carrying out indiscriminate suicide bomb attacks on hospitals, schools or markets.
Funny enough Mr Siddiqui claims he didn't know who ISIS were when he said the above in February, but he's adamant that in his eyes, men who travel to Syria to fight Assad shouldn't be locked up on their return, rather, I presume, he feels they should be treated as heroes.
Posted by pounce_uk at 6/29/2014 07:47:00 AM |

Ramadan blood fest: 4 killed in gun attack in Pakistan

Ramadan death toll is now at 49.
Posted by pounce_uk at 6/29/2014 06:53:00 AM |

Ramadan blood fest: 7 killed in Yemen in Al-Qaeda attack
Ramadan death toll is now at 45.
Posted by pounce_uk at 6/29/2014 06:00:00 AM |

11 ISIS terrorists killed inside Syria
SOHR stated that the clashes took place between Syrian troops supported by national defense forces on one side, and terrorists from ISIL, including armed tribesmen in the suburban Al-Qamlishi city, on the other, which resulted in regime forces taking control of at least five towns, amid shelling by ISIL of the area.
The clashes also resulted in the deaths of at least six Syrian regime forces.
Ramadan death toll is now at 38.
Posted by pounce_uk at 6/29/2014 05:44:00 AM |

CNN news report from the Iraqi front line
But all that aside, it's a pretty good news account from the front line, which says it as it is and not as so called military experts deem it should be.
Posted by pounce_uk at 6/29/2014 05:31:00 AM |

Attacks in Afghanistan kills 15
Ramadan death toll is now at 21.
Posted by pounce_uk at 6/29/2014 04:46:00 AM |

Attack in Eygpt kills 6, wounds another
Meanwhile in the northern region of the Sinai desert, gunmen stopped, boarded and murdered 4 soldiers travelling on it, Saturday morning.
Ramadan death toll is now at 6.
Posted by pounce_uk at 6/29/2014 04:34:00 AM |

Terrorists attack Hotel in Nigeria kills 14
Police confirmed Saturday that the attack took place at the Peoples Hotel, Bayan Gari area of Bauchi metropolis.
Meanwhile in the northern city of Kano, police averted a vehicle borne IED attack on a mosque (which would have been packed for Ramadan) when worshippers tipped them off.
Posted by pounce_uk at 6/29/2014 04:20:00 AM |

Iraq receives first Russian aircraft
A Close Air Support (C.A.S.) aircraft, the SU-25 is basically the Russian equivalent of the A-10 (ironically, the Iraqis have realised that they require such an aircraft in which to support their ground forces, while the Obama administration is trying to get rid of the A-10).
A capable little aircraft, the Frogfoot has been used extensively around the world, including in Iraq during its war with Iran (purchasing over 75 of them). However, by 2003, only around 12 remained and they were soon got rid of. With such an intimate history with the aircraft, it comes as no surprise why the Iraqi airforce have purchased 6 of them from Russia to fill their current gap in C.A.S. Especially when they also have on order 24 T-50IQs light attack craft which are based on the successful South Korean T-50 trainer, which itself is based around the F-16.
The IDF until last year were going to buy the FA-50, but instead went with the Italian M-346.
Posted by pounce_uk at 6/29/2014 04:12:00 AM |

Saturday, June 28, 2014
Iraq scores major victory over ISIS

State television claims the governor's HQ has been recaptured and 60 fighters from the ISIS terrorist group killed.
Posted by pounce_uk at 6/28/2014 08:07:00 PM |

Young Pakistani couple had throats slit... for getting married
The girl's mother and father lured the couple home late on Thursday with the promise that their marriage would receive a family blessing. When the couple reached there, they tied up them with ropes and her father cut their throats.
Police arrested the family who said they had been embarrassed by the marriage of their daughter to a man from a less important tribe.
Posted by pounce_uk at 6/28/2014 06:47:00 PM |

Sheikh Omar "I hate the British" Bakri Mohammad wants to claim asylum in... Britain
Unlike pure Islamic countries, the UK is a soft spot for radical Muslims, and once he signed on for benefits, he started his Jiadist activities with comments such as:
He formed the toxic Al-Muhajiroun group which has been instrumental in indoctrinating so many Muslims in the UK, who have gone onto bigger things, beheading a soldier in London, going off to fight in Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Somalia. When fingered by the police, this despicable arsehole played the human rights angle and as such the UK has been unable to deport this racist rabble rouser.
Then the London bombings in July 2005 transpired and, fearing that the British would link him to this, he upped sticks and buggered off to Lebanon, and once there, he stuck the finger up at London, claiming he would never go back. From his new home in Lebanon, he continued his anti-British tirades. However, when Israel hit Lebanon in 2006 and the Royal Navy sent a ship to pick up British nationals, old Mohammed was turned away by armed sailors when he tried to board, claiming he should be allowed to return to the UK on humanitarian grounds.
Well, he lived through that, and continued to present his vision of an Islamic utopia in the West by coming out with statements such as:
"We don't make a distinction between civilians and non-civilians, innocents and non-innocents. Only between Muslims and unbelievers. And the life of an unbeliever has no value. It has no sanctity."Well, even the Lebanese have had enough of him and this year he was arrested and thrown in jail. His family of benefit scroungers, still in the UK, wants the UK to have him back and they say that he has suffered systematic torture while in custody at a maximum security prison. The family says he should be allowed back into Britain on "humanitarian grounds" as his health has deteriorated and he's no longer able to walk.
Thankfully, the UK government has replied, and the answer is:
"Omar Bakri Mohammad was permanently excluded from the UK in 2005 on the grounds that his presence is not conducive to the public good.How about all his scrounging family bugger off to real Islamic country and take their rabid father with them? Iraq looks good at the moment.
As Omar Bakri Mohammad is excluded from the UK, he will be unable to make a claim for asylum."
Posted by pounce_uk at 6/28/2014 06:29:00 PM |

Video: Israeli Air Force Pinpoint Strike Hits 2 Islamic Terrorists in Gaza
(LiveLeak) The two, Osama Al-Hasumi and Mohamad Al-Fassih, members of the Terrorist group Popular Resistance Committees, were involved in firing rockets from the Gaza strip toward Israeli towns. In the past two weeks 20 rockets were fired from Gaza, luckily causing no injuries only some damage to property. The attack caught on footage took place after Islamic militants detonated an IED on an IDF vehicle patrolling the border between Gaza and Israel (no injuries in that incident either). Later that day the IDF attacked 4 targets in Gaza, IDF spokesman reported hitting two locations associated with terrorist activity, a weapons manufacturing location and a weapons storage facility.
Posted by Watcher at 6/28/2014 06:00:00 PM |

Egypt arrests 15-man ISIS terror cell which crossed from Gaza into Sinai
(JPost) Egyptian special forces tracked and arrested a terrorist cell which had used tunnels to cross from Gaza into the Sinai Peninsula, Ma'ariv reported on Saturday. The 15 militants arrested belong to the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS).
Further interrogation of the cell by Egyptian forces revealed that the group's intent was to relay messages and set up terrorist cells for the ISIS in Egypt, to fight the Egyptian government.
For its part, the Gaza Interior Ministry rejected the claims by Egyptian security sources that the militants crossed into Sinai from Gaza.
Gaza Interior Ministry Spokesman Ayabad al-Bazam, wrote in his Facebook page that the claims were "lies and inventions aimed to damaging the Gaza Strip."
"All tunnels between Gaza and Egypt have been completely closed, there are no more tunnels since the Egyptian army destroyed them," he added saying that, "Gaza's borders are subject to strict regulation by the Palestinian National Security Forces, who allow for no breach in security.
The spokesman also emphasized that ISIS is not active in Gaza and that the active militant organizations in the strip are well known to everyone.
Posted by Watcher at 6/28/2014 01:15:00 PM |

Pax Islamia: A series of attacks in northeast and central Nigeria result in more than 250 deaths and 90 kidnappings
Between 23 and 25 June 2014, a series of attacks occurred in central Nigeria. On 23–24 June, gunmen attacked a number of villages in Kaduna State, killing around 150 people. The attack was blamed on Fulani tribesmen. On 25 June 2014, a bomb exploded at the Emab Plaza in the national capital of Abuja, killing at least 21 people. In response to the bombing, the Nigerian military raided two militants camps on 26 June, killing more than 100 people.
Posted by Watcher at 6/28/2014 12:10:00 AM |

Friday, June 27, 2014
Report: Mexican Military Chopper Crosses Into US, Shoots At Border Agents

TUCSON, Ariz. (CBS Las Vegas) — Border Patrol agents in Arizona were reportedly fired upon by a Mexican military helicopter that traveled across the border.
KVOA-TV reports that Mexican authorities were conducting a drug interdiction operation when the incident happened early Thursday morning on the Tohono O’odham Indian Nation. The Mexican chopper fired at the agents and then flew back into Mexico.
Art del Cueto, Border Patrol Tucson Sector union president, tells KVOA that they called and apologized for the incident.
“The incident occurred after midnight and before 6 a.m. Helicopter flew into the U.S. and fired on two U.S. Border Patrol agents,” del Cueto said in a statement to KVOA. “The incident occurred west of the San Miguel Gate on the Tohono O’odham Indian Nation. The agents were unharmed. The helicopter went back into Mexico. Mexico then contacted U.S. authorities and apologized for the incident.”
Andy Adame, Border Patrol spokesperson, said that Mexican authorities fired two shots at the border agents.
“Two shots were fired from the helicopter but no injuries or damage to U.S. property were reported,” Adame told KVOA.
The incident is under investigation.
Posted by Watcher at 6/27/2014 04:22:00 PM |

Israel reveals its latest Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected vehicle the CombatGuard
On the open roads the CombatGuard managed 95 mph, while on rough terrain the vehicle managed speeds of up to 75 mph, so it can pretty well shift.
The monocoque capsule protected hull accommodates six or eight fully equipped troops along with modern, advanced weapon systems. Locating the wheels on the capsule’s sides also enhances the capsule’s protection. The modular design enables the application of different level, including protection against advanced threats such as EFP, land mines and blast.
Its passenger compartment can accommodate up to 8 fully-equipped soldiers or be converted into an all-terrain medevac, anti-aircraft platform, fast attack vehicle, or light reconnaissance vehicle.
On top of all the above, CombatGuard is fitted out with Active Protection System 'Bright Arrow'. Looks like Israel has come out with another winner.
Posted by pounce_uk at 6/27/2014 04:20:00 PM |

Pious Muslim stabs prostitute to death in London for working near his mosque
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Farooq Shah, spoke today of the fun he's going to have in the prison showers. |
"He was so handsome he would never need to hand over money for sex. ‘I would never, ever do that, I’d never pay money for sex. Look at me - I’m not an ugly man’."he's going to find out the hard way that being handsome inside prison will entail bending over for Allah at least five times a day. However, instead of the prayer mat he's going to be bending over in the showers looking for the soap.
Posted by pounce_uk at 6/27/2014 03:34:00 PM |

IAF kills two Hamas terrorists involved in rocket fire from Gaza
Palestinians survey the wreckage of an IAF strike that killed two terrorists in Gaza. Photo: REUTERS |
(JPost) An Israel Air Force strike in northern Gaza on Friday killed two Popular Resistance Committees members who were involved in rocket attacks on Israel.
Usama Hasumi and Muhammad Fatiah had in recent weeks taken part in the firing of rockets, and in recent days, planned to carry out "severe terror attacks against residents of the state of Israel," the IDF said in a statement.
"The IDF will continue to act with determination as much as is needed against any element that carry out terrorism against Israel. The Hamas terrorist organization, and all of its branches, is the address, and it is responsible," the army added.
Posted by Watcher at 6/27/2014 02:22:00 PM |

Marine Corps pilot lands Harrier with no nose wheel on flat top
Posted by pounce_uk at 6/27/2014 01:49:00 PM |

Protesting prisoners on English prison roof offered... sun cream
Posted by pounce_uk at 6/27/2014 03:20:00 AM |

Ramadan 2014 starts first thing Sunday morning
The intolerance that Muslims are known for is perfectly revealed in this press statement from the Saudi Arabian government which simply states:
"Respect the sentiments of Muslims by not eating, drinking or smoking during Ramadan's daylight hours in public places, including roads and workplaces.Imagine if we asked Muslims to respect our laws here in the West. Claims of Islamophobia, racism and bigotry would soon arise.
"Those who violate the regulations will be deported or sacked, according to the statement.
They are not excused for being non-Muslim," it said, adding that "anyone living in this country should follow the laws of the Kingdom.
Anyway, I digress. It's Ramadan, and in a period of the so called peace, we've witnessed that to the contrary, Islamic inspired murders actually rise. Why is that? And so, for the 6th year on the trot, this blog will list and count as many murders carried out by Muslims during their so called holy month of Ramadan. Each death will be substantiated by an actual news story, and let's see if this year, Muslims can actually abstain from raising the death count.
Posted by pounce_uk at 6/27/2014 02:40:00 AM |

Thursday, June 26, 2014
Obama plays his cards in the ME, presses Congress to hand over $500 million to Syrian rebels
Apparently, he is the US President, and today, after months of deliberation, he has decided to act in Syria. Yup, he's asked Congress to OK the handing over of $500 million to the rebels fighting president Assad. You know, that President Assad who is currently winning against the insurgency inside Syria. Which kind of explains why ISIS terrorists have moved across the border into Iraq in which to continue their blood lust. The same US president, I should add, who hasn't bothered his arse in helping Iraq fight these blood thirsty thugs, and as such has seen Baghdad turn to Iran (troops and weapons) and Russia (the sale of jet aircraft, as the US are dragging out the handover of 16 F-16s Iraq bought in September 2011).
Gee, who needs enemies when you have a friend like... Obama.

Posted by pounce_uk at 6/26/2014 06:54:00 PM |

Iraqi army tries to take pressure off Baghdad by trying to take Tikrit
Three troop carrying helicopters (Mil Mi-17s?) landed inside the City's University first thing Thursday morning (Iraqi time) and dropped off Iraqi commandos who have now taken it and who are now expanding their area of operation (AO)l.
The helicopters, which can carry 30 paxs each, came in low and there are reports of one getting shot down. If the Iraqi Government can recaptured the city and hold it, it will deal a decisive blow to the ISIS terrorist movement. However, I do have to ask the question: only 1 troop drop? I'd be resupplying the guys on the ground with at least 10 times that number. Well, the Iraqi army is 1 million strong.

Posted by pounce_uk at 6/26/2014 06:13:00 PM |

Burma to Purchase Chinese JF-17 Fighter Jets
Posted by pounce_uk at 6/26/2014 05:32:00 PM |

Iraqi Army losses revealed
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Iraqi M1A1 tank on fire. |
The United States supplied 140 refurbished M1A1 Abrams tanks to Iraq between 2010 and 2012. However, unlike US tanks, the export versions sold to Iraq do not contain the extra Uranium lining which is battle proven to stop virtually any anti-tank weapons from penetrating the hull. That said, ISIS have been posting video clips of their successes against the Iraqi army, and a couple of them show ISIS members actually sneaking up to Iraqi armour and affixing explosives charges or even lobbing hand grenades inside open hatches, illuminating to all that the Iraqi military are failing to support their armour with infantry. Pretty basic tactics, and yet, as per usual, an Arab army fails at that.
Posted by pounce_uk at 6/26/2014 05:18:00 PM |

Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Condell: Why I support Israel
Posted by Watcher at 6/25/2014 04:34:00 PM |

Syria hits ISIS terrorists in Iraq,John Kerry warns Mideast nations against taking military action in Iraq
(Iraq) News is coming in of Syrian Air force jets hitting ISIS terrorist targets inside Iraq at the behest of Iran. With Iraq being unable to stem the advance of ISIS in Sunni territories, it appears that Iran is cashing in favours with the Assad regime in which to strike these blood thirsty goons from behind. Well it seems that the Sunni Muslim president in chief of the US , isn't happy at how his kin are getting slotted and so he got his finger puppet Kerry to warn Assad off, which is surprising as Assad didn't listen the first,second or third time Obama had anything to say.
I'm sorry, but this US administration must be the worse ever and for a golf playing layabout who ruminates more than any bovine chewing the cud about what to do next (other than hand over money to groups and nations who hate the US) Its a little rich for him to berate any country for striking from the air, when Obama has had no problem doing likewise in Pakistan,Afganstan,Yemen and Somalia .Bloody plastic Muslims.
Posted by pounce_uk at 6/25/2014 02:39:00 PM |

Nigerian Muslim renounces faith, family gets him certified insane and locked up
When this doctor found him to be fit and well, the family took him to a second doctor who claimed he was suffering with a personality disorder. They then had him committed to a mental institution (despite getting a clean bill of health) where he is being held against his will and forcibly medicated. So much for freedom of expression.
Got to love how the Islamic world forbids any freedom of expression other than that dictated (quite literally I hear) by a paedophilic warlord around 1,500 years ago.
Posted by pounce_uk at 6/25/2014 02:07:00 PM |

Bomb blast inside Nigerian capital city shopping centre kills 21

Which is why today in the capital city Abuja a bomb was detonated inside the busy Wuse shopping district, resulting in the deaths of over 21 people and leaving over 17 people injured.
What is it about Muslims and their inability to live in peace with anybody, including themselves?
Posted by pounce_uk at 6/25/2014 01:58:00 PM |