(Paris) On July 19th this year 22 year old Marie
Laguerre was walking through the centre of Paris when Firas M made lewd
comments at her, she berated him and carried on walking, he on having his honour
offended decided to throw an ashtray at her and then followed her in which to
teach her a good lesson that women have no right to speak back to males.
All of this was caught on camera and Firas soon found himself picked up by the police . As this is France and not the Uk, no defence was offered for his faith and yesterday this woman beater was jailed for 6 months for acting as if Paris is situated in the Middle East, he was also fined a €20,000 (£17,000) fine and attend an anti-sexism course.
After he had been sentence it was revealed that he had already
served time for pimping as well as violence against his mother. Ah the joys of multiculturalism