Sunday, August 12, 2012

Muslims in India warn women to cover up and not to use mobiles or else...

(Kashmir) I do love how the apologists for Islam go well out of their way in which to try and tell me that actually Islam is a magnanimous faith and that it affords equality to all. In fact, I keep on hearing that Islam was the first to afford rights to women. So stick that in your pipe and smoke it, Western civilisation.

Which brings me to Kashmir. In 1947, when India was partitioned, the border state between India and Pakistan had a Hindu raj. Naturally, the new Islamic country of Pakistan wanted Kashmir to side with them. But when nothing happened, they sent in the troops in which to take the hand of the raj by force. The raj turned to India and to this day the state has been a bone of contention between the two counties, with each owning half of Kashmir.

While India is more than happy to own half of Kashmir, the Pakistanis aren't, and since 1947 they have funded terrorism inside Kashmir in which to try and do what they do best... steal. In this case, they want the rest of Kashmir citing that it actually belongs to them and they can't live without part of their country. (Which explains why in 1963, Pakistan handed over 1/3 of the area of Kashmir it had stolen from India to China.)

Anyway, after ethnically cleansing the region of Hindus (300,000), the faithful had to find another target, which is why hundreds of police and soldiers have been murdered for having the gall to belong to a faith other than Islam. Well, with the security forces finally putting paid to Allah's little foot soldiers, the one who were left, had to find an easier target. (I mean, come on, how many Muslims actually subscribe to peace and equality for all?) Which is why posters have been recently put up in Kashmir, informing women that if they don't cover up they will have acid thrown in their face, and any woman caught using a mobile phone will be shot dead.

Gee isn't Islam such a peaceful understanding faith?