Sunday, August 12, 2012

Ramadan death toll in Afghanistan, August 11, 2012

(Kabul) Afghan interior ministry spokesman Sediq Sediqi informed the media yesterday that Taliban attacks in Afghanistan have actually risen during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan. He said:
"The Taliban have increased their attacks during Ramadan. They are mostly targeting civilians. They neither care about innocent people nor the religion of Islam because they attacked mosques and Muslims,"
Notice how he makes its plain that attacking non-Muslims is kind of acceptable. Typical Muslim. Anyway, he also had this to say:
Afghan and Pakistani Taliban, in close co-operation with the Pakistani military, have attacked Afghan forces in Kunar and Nuristan provinces several times, he added. But insurgents have been met with strong resistance from the Afghan police,
Which kind of explains why he revealed that this past week, over 119 Islamic terrorists have been killed.

Ramadan death count moves up to 2,696.