(London) Last January the British government handed 24-month Assessment Phase (AP) contracts to BAE and Rhinemetal for them to come up with Life Extension Programmes for the British Challenger 2 Main Battle tank in which to address mission system obsolescence and ensure that the
vehicle remains supportable until 2035.
For defence they have fitted the Challenger with the Israeli Iron fist active protection system, (as a costed option) which funny enough BAE has been contracted to fit to the Dutch armys APCs.
data-lang="en-gb">My opinion:
Impressive watching #TeamCR2 #Blacknight #Challenger2 go though its paces today at #DVD2018 @BAESystemsLand @gduknews it moves fast for a lump of metal! pic.twitter.com/hpiVHDVsHS— Xander Stephenson (@XStephenson) 19 September 2018
This is an upgrade on the cheap by the British government which would rather hand over £14 billion a year to third world countries which hate us, rather than spend that money on our own. Yes the Challenger 2 is still an effective tank, but to keep it in service until 2035 is a pound foolish, penny shy attempt to say, look we are spending money on the military. Don't even get me started on the standard infantry weapon the British army uses (A weapon I have been familiar with since the early 90s)