(Rome) Responding to Michelle Bachelet, the United Nations' new human rights chief, who stated in her maiden speech she will be sending a team to Italy (and Austria) in which to check up on reports of the rise in racism that Migrants are facing in country:
“Italy’s decision to close its sea ports, denying entry to NGO rescue ships, had serious consequences on the most vulnerable. Even though we are seeing a big drop in the numbers of coming from Libya over the past 12 months, the numbers of those who died during the crossing is higher in the first six months of 2018 than it was.”
"Over the last few years, Italy has received 700,000 immigrants, many of whom were illegal, and it never received any cooperation from other European countries . So we don't take lessons from anyone, least of all the UN, which has again proved itself to be biased, pointlessly costly and badly informed. The police deny reports that is a racism emergency. Before doing checks on Italy, the UN should investigate its member States who ignore basic rights like freedom and equality between men and women"