(Paris) This morning after an Afghan male went on the rampage stabbing 7 people, across town on the Rue Oberkampf in the 11th district of Paris , a scissors-wielding man stabbed a postman in
the throat and tried to attack others whilst shouting 'Jihad and allah ackba'
Police were called and they used a few thousand volts in which to make the fellow in question come quietly to the local nick.
Une partie de la Rue Oberkampf est actuellement bouclée par la police, un homme hurlait des propos en arabe notamment "Djihad" et "Allah akbar".— Mathieu Géniole (@mathieuge) 10 September 2018
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L'homme a été interpelé (à gauche sur la photo). pic.twitter.com/ETVm5n9JM3— Mathieu Géniole (@mathieuge) September 10, 2018