(London) In light of the Pan European call to Jihad, and the corresponding response from the EU. The British Government sent a letter out to all Mosques in the UK and guess what, the Muslims didn't like it:
In the letter the Government wrote:
“You, as faith leaders, are in a unique position in our society. You have a precious opportunity, and an important responsibility, in explaining and demonstrating how faith in Islam can be part of British identity.
“We believe together we have an opportunity to demonstrate the true nature of British Islam today. There is a need to lay out more clearly than ever before what being a British Muslim means today: proud of your faith and proud of your country. We know that acts of extremism are not representative of Islam, but we need to show what is.
“We must show our young people, who may be targeted, that extremists have nothing to offer them. We must show them that there are other ways to express disagreement, that their right to do so is dependent on the very freedoms that extremists seek to destroy.
“We must show them the multitude of statements of condemnation from British Muslims, show them these men of hate have no place in our mosques or any place of worship, and that they do not speak for Muslims in Britain or anywhere in the world.
“Let us assure you that the government will do all we can to defeat the voices of division, but ultimately the challenges of integration and radicalisation cannot be solved from Whitehall alone. Strong community-based leadership at a local level is needed.”
“British values are Muslim values”, and the country would be “diminished” without Islam and its “message of peace and unity”.
“Every day, mosques and other faith institutions across the country are providing help for those in need, and acting as a centre for our communities.
“It is these positive contributions that are the true messages of faith and it is these contributions that need to be promoted.”
Now, after reading that, doesn't anybody else think it disparages Muslims, yet the Media have been having a field day interviewing Muslims who feel they be3en castigated as terrorists yet again. I quote from the self appointed Muslim council of Britain:
"However, we do take issue with the implication that extremism takes place at mosques, and that Muslims have not done enough to challenge the terrorism that took place in our name."This is why we responded to the media, and an assertion in some quarters, that you were somehow endorsing the idea that Muslims and Islam are inherently apart from British society. We reject such notions.We also reject suggestions that Muslims must go out of their way to prove their loyalty to this country of ours."Yup, protesting for the sake of protesting and in trying to make themselves look the victims, all they have achieved is made yet more people gravitate to the far right of the political spectrum. Why to go British Muslims.