Sunday, October 12, 2014

US Mullah-in-Chief hands over $212 million to rebuild Gaza

(Washington) When Hamas started its little bun fight with Israel the other month, it was in financial dire straits. It had lost its cash cows of Egypt/Iran and a number of Western nations, so one of the reasons it started launching missiles on an unprecedented scale was simply to allow Israel to strut its stuff and force the do-gooders around the world to feel sorry for Allah's little terrorists and send as much money as they could in which to replenish the bank accounts of many a senior Hamas leader.

Well, all is going according to the plan for Hamas, as the US today announced that they would be handing over $212 million to help rebuild tunnels homes in Gaza.

Yes, folks, a war, which Hamas started, sees them getting rewarded, as always. the US alone has handed over $400 million this year.