(New York) Black Live Matter is a so called Civil rights movement which protests about racial profiling, police brutality, and racial inequality
in the United States criminal justice system. Last night one of its activists 27 year old Erica Garner (Daughter of Eric Garner whose death in 2014 helped push BLM into the limelight) died in hospital due to complications she suffered after the birth of her son in August. After her death, her family issued this tweet:
data-lang="en">Let me get this right, a so called Human rights group who protests about the inequity of blacks in the US, subscribes to division and separation of races based on skin colour rather than integration. Isn't that..RACIST!
Out of respect to Erica please do not request comment if the journalist is not Black.— officialERICA GARNER (@es_snipes) December 30, 2017
Can you imagine the outcry from the left (Never mind BLM) if a white person posted a tweet which stated 'Whites only'.