Monday, January 11, 2016

Unknown men stage attacks on Muslim migrants in downtown Cologne

And so the pushback begins.
(RT) Unknown assailants attacked and injured several immigrants in two districts of Cologne on Sunday evening. One of the attacks took place near the city train station, where mass assaults on women happened on New Year’s Eve.

The first attack took place at around 6.40pm, when some 20 unidentified men assaulted six Pakistanis near Cologne train station. Two of them were injured and taken to hospital. They were later released, according to the police.

About 20 minutes later, five people assaulted and injured a 39-year-old Syrian in a different location.

It is as yet unclear whether the two assaults were coordinated, German media report. Before the attacks, a group of local football fans and doormen was said to have discussed going on a “manhunt” in a closed Facebook group, according to the British Express newspaper.

Both attacks occurred despite a heavy Cologne police presence on Sunday patrolling the city center. It was part of “massive presence measures” in the wake of New Year’s Eve assaults on women by multiple suspects of “Middle Eastern” descent.

Earlier on Friday, a Facebook group called “Kölner Bürgerwehr” (Cologne Civic Defense) called rallied those with backgrounds in martial arts and bodybuilding with the motto, “Cologne defends itself!”
