Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The Left's Modern Britain: No Ebola screening for UK arrivals

(UK) A few years ago, liberals and their ilk went all stupid and banned screening immigrants entering the UK for infectious diseases as it would be racist to do so and drive these infected people underground.

Well, thanks to the merits of liberal thinking, the UK has seen the rates of infectious diseases rise these past 10 years, be it AIDS, tuberculosis or whooping cough.

So has one so called expert, who demanded we don't screen foreign immigrants into the UK, been made to stand to account for getting it so wrong? Have they fuck, like all do-gooders they wash their hands of the subject at hand and move onto the next social justice cause. Which this week is Ebola, and the same so called experts have all got together and stated that there is no need to introduce Ebola screening for those arriving in the UK, as the risk here is so small.

I wonder if anybody who catches Ebola from an immigrant and dies will see these so called experts being taken to task for getting it so wrong, yet again.