Sunday, August 3, 2014

Is ISIS looking at making a powerplay inside Gaza?

(Gaza) It seems that in taking on Israel in which to try and look good and then receive lots of financial aid after world pressure comes to their aid by forcing the IDF to stop, hasn't gone as exactly to plan for Hamas. If anything, they haven't received the support from the Arab nations. In fact, it has received more support from people in the West than from its so called blood brothers. This reversal of fortunes may not bode well for Hamas (or for Israel for that matter) in that other groups are looking to fill in the gap of 'I'm the leader of the gang'.

Anyway, it appears that one such group, ISIS, has been very active in trying to drum up support amongst the natives of Gaza. They've started off by handing out over 10,000 pamphlets (to be honest, they look like books of matches, but then the information held within will be somewhat incendiary) to the locals.

If anybody here can read Arabic (haven't touched it in years), drop us a line and let us know what the cover says:

Funny thing is, I thought there was a siege in place on Gaza. Well, maybe not.